
or we could all just spend the next 20 years learning how to take care of one another.

More gullible consumers.

Wow! I can't tell you how many times I've fantasized this very action. While riding around my town, I can't help but think through routes that would allow me to leave the patrol car in my dust. In reality, I'm ultra law abiding, but I have experienced catching up to aggressive motorists in heavy traffic. The

There's a dual core Lenovo w/ W7 over at DailySteals for $189.00 today. I got mine.

Wait, you think the EPA made the laws that protect our drinking water, air, endangered species, etc.? Those laws only came into being after massive efforts by concerned citizens who had to fight against the moneyed interests. Maybe I'm talking to some one who just wants to hold on to a misconception no matter what

Uhura? Do they offer unlimited Data? Or is that only in Jean-Luc's time?

"This country is being smothered in bureaucrats making laws that no one wants." Actually, most laws begin with an elected official responding to a group of concerned citizens. I realize that it is currently popular to portray our representative government as run by disconnected demagogues, but if you detach yourself

A communications device that cuts out the greedy middle men, now that would be "revolutionary" in every sense of the word. Or do you think Kirk paid Verizon every time he called Spock?

A big kid with a big wrench opened the fire hydrant on the corner. That was Compton Water Park.

This is very handy. Debbie is bored with simply piloting her Passenger Truck whilst chatting with Mom on the phone. She needs a little something to fiddle with to hold her attention during these boring rush hour drives.

Bravo! What I like best about this well thought out and informative article is the stated position that we consumers shape the technology we use through our buying choices. Don't think just in terms of shiniest object or cheapest, but in terms of what direction your purchase will take the future of communications.

Just keep telling yourself that size doesn't matter, Bud.

Thanks, I tried rereading it in my best Rod Steiger voice. It almost makes the cut.

Entitled American Women. A subject begging for sociological study. Example: elderly couple walking along sidewalk; woman pulls onto driveway two feet in front of couple, completely blocking and causing couple to walk into the busy street. As she emerges, man politely says "Ahem". Emerging driver counters with: "I

I remember history all too well, friend. And I grieve for the sins of our fathers.

are you asking for help?

I understand your point. My point is that any nuclear device is monstrous in conception or certainly in use. If you read the effects of this 10 kt nuke in the article, I hope you were horrified. Poisoning or murdering one human is a great crime. If targeting a city of innocents for a horrid death is not cause for

to build a weapon like this would take monsters. To use such a weapon would take evil beyond words.

If you don't understand why this is a significant finding, that in no way proves any point except your lack of understanding.

At least half of the draw for me is the comments. I find the dialogue here to be a big cut above other sites in humor and thoughtfulness. In my mind, the people I interact with at Giz are a sharp, savvy bunch. I still believe that to be true. As long as it is true, I'll continue to visit daily (or even hourly