
Just count on it not being the shithead managers Jim Spanfeller and Paul Maidment.  Spineless shitheels.  Fucktards fapping.

I know, right? You’d think that those shitheads Jim Spanfeller and Paul Maidment would relish the fact that they’re a bunch of fucking spineless, dickless, worthless pieces of shit, but I guess that when their utter incompetence and ineptitude cost the company they’re leading a fucking million dollars, suddenly Jim

So what you are saying is Paul Maidment and Jim Spanfeller are shithead managers, that don’t like people knowing that Paul Maidment and Jim Spanfeller ,are shithead managers?

Wait, so what you’re saying is that noted shit heels, Jim Spanfeller and Paul Maidment, don’t like when they’re called out on being moronic shit-for-brains and that we shouldn’t talk about what giant fucking idiots they are?

I love how the bullshit smears are turning up as the DNC becomes more and more afraid of Tulsi. Still mad about her endorsing Bernie in 2016.

(You forgot to include the new “Republican Mole” smear, or the one that says “Tulsi is Jill Stein and will also endorse Trump.”)

Comment-readers: research the above claims on your

Yay!  There’s finally something at Sonic I can eat!

Part of it is that, for gaming, VR headsets have become more affordable and accessible. Likewise, 3D TVs mostly bit the dust in 2016, due in part because 3D glasses were a cumbersome and expensive accessory for a largely unnecessary feature.

A few months ago I bought a Carhartt beanie off a recommended prime vendor that turned out to be a horrible fake. I tried contacting the seller and Amazon multiple times and got either no response or a run-around. Amazon simply doesn’t care and would rather do nothing and continue to profit off of this than doing

Like all technology, the tech itself is really neither good nor bad, it is the use of that technology that is either good or bad.

Okay, so Snapchat isn’t your cup of tea, just admit that there’s literally nothing they can do to win you back and move on. I prefer Snap to Instagram with everyone whoring for likes (and now views)… but you don’t hear me whining about how I much I don’t prefer IG. This sites anti Snapchat stance is just lame way to

I came here to see if we were gonna turn this upside down and enjoy Slayer but I see you all have the situation well in hand. 

I refuse to buy any more of the AE Boom speakers. I was an early adoptor of the Mini Booms speakers. Anyways about a year or so ago I picked up a UE Boom and all 3 speakers worked great. There was an app where I could “ ,double up “ the speakers for stereo sound. Well the powers that be sent out an update that took

But will it still crash into a baseball backstop when being flown directly at it full speed with the knowledge that some sensors would not work in this situation?

Well played. And just like normal, I scrolled right past it to comment.

Kinja Terms of Use (6,026 words, 30 minutes)

“...some people only pull their pants down to just above the knee when they poop. This seems insane to me.”

cocaine is not good when you have your hand on the button.

The ex-VW owner probably comes out ahead in the long-run.