
**while in a mode that doesn’t support collision avoidance.

*into an object (fence) which they expressly told you it won’t avoid.

Like when you try to crash it intentionally?

The drone has an obstacle avoidance system, which I learned the hard way doesn’t work in every scenario

Sarah Palin want to leave the UN? Does she realize how much of an advantage the US gets from its de facto leadership? HAS SHE EVER PLAYED CIVILIZATION?

Only about 15% are sticks but the people who care care a lot.

I’m surprised the winner wasn’t Teamy McTeamface.


Not a chance for me; I’m okay with Clinton, she’s infinitely preferable to Trump, and I realize that neither Stein nor Johnson have a chance of winning (and I don’t know enough about Johnson to know if I find him preferable to Clinton). However, I do the the sense that some of Sanders’ supporters are refusing to vote

Jesus, please don't do that.

Let’s hope this doesn’t happen in November with Bernie supporters (I’m one of them) voting for Jill Stein as a protest candidate.

Even though they are cured and dried, I would imagine they don't keep for too long since they would overdry (not spoil, but become too hard to use). At the same time, that cure mixture probably would hold, allowing for reuse.

Foodie friends are the worst kind of friends. They ruin everything you eat with their nitpicking and their circular explanations of taste.

“Mumble mumble mumble mumble family...”

It looks like there was no danger to the manifold after all...

Although they’re shifting fast, they’re too slow for a DCT. You can clearly hear the up and downshift gaps in the exhaust.

Are you a poor? Your staff has to sit somewhere and wing seats are still illegal.

At some point we have to admit that the mere fact of this thing’s existence is indicative of some serious problems in our society.

What do you think I am, a farmer? I'll wait for the A380 Penthousefortress, thank you.

So tell me something.