
First off: Great article! I love it when you write about exciting new safety tech like this.

Great subject. It's amazing how much work goes into those boots. I hope George finds someone to pass his skills on to.

Did you watch the video?

That's way smaller than I expected! Nearly bought the Goal Zero from today's daily deals, but it looked too bulky. This looks like it would be much easier to pack and use.

if a pair of breasts were never supported then they would actually sag less and not hurt because those supporting ligaments get stronger.

With your experience, would you circumcise your kids?

New idea for fitness tracker application:

Now playing

Oh hey guys! So you want to make a fuss about wages?

Based on my "studies," men and women are about the same once they let go of their childhood conditioning and accept their own personal preference.

All the more reason why this should not be allowed. Real criminals will, and do, hide their communications. If law enforcement has enough evidence that someone is up to criminal activity, they can get a warrant to listen in to their conversation. This tech sounds like it's just there to skirt around that whole "ask

Did my sexytime music shoutout inspire this post?

Is there someone actually dedicated to writing for Lanesplitter? I thought it was just a kinja sub-blog.

Imagine the buzzword circlejerk Will.He.Is and Shingy cound get into... SYNERGY!!!

Good job guys... Ok, what's the tally at now? One down.

How in the world is this going to work once there's more than 5 people on it? My female lawyer friends are too damn busy to read a bunch of daily questionnaire responses!

When you're so far ahead of the game, you don't have to follow anyone.

Mmm... Sunrise Highway. Excellent looooong sweepers. Keep it quiet about our roads tho... Don't want those Ortega nutjobs treading too far south.

Man... everybody competing to see who's the oldest wizard on the internet up in here.