Having an option does not make a game worse.  That’s gatekeeping.  You’re saying that if someone can’t keep up with the difficulty YOU are comfortable with, they shouldn’t be allowed to play the game.  Other people having the choice to lower or raise difficulty has no effect what so ever on the difficulty you play on.

It’s funny because the only things that’ll stabilize Libertarian Wet Dream Fiat Currency (But Better, Somehow!) are institutional investment and government regulation.

Can we not?

Mans obviously been buying the dip. Every single one. For the whole last year.

lol Found the bitter crypto-bro!

Or they said “apparently we can’t get away with half-assing things on the cheap, so don’t bother.”

You’d make for a shitty lawyer.

Wait I thought the right always complained when there was politics in our entertainment?

No, they’re just tired of repeating all of the ways that NFTs are horrible pyramid scheme scams for idiots.

That’s because there isn’t anything they can be used for that isn’t already being done with simpler technology.  

If Gorsuch and Kavanaugh fooled her, she’s not perceptive enough to be in office.

How much do they pay you to complain on every Elden Ring post?

There’s so many *things* happening with this.

None of your examples are “always online” as in you have to login to the server to even start the game e.g. Destiny 2. You’re not playing anything when those servers go down for good. You’re arguing about something completely different than the OP. They didn’t say all of the games Ubisoft shut down were always online,

I replied to your other comment. You purposely only show half the story. The other half shows how the in game pricing impacts the number of hours and grind you need to do to earn enough for a car.

Pubg, Dota, league, and csgo aren’t my thing but people like what people like

You’d lose. We were in transit from the continent to Ireland. But because of COVID, the airline flights we originally had (Icelandair) were cancelled. So we had to work to find alternatives. The route then became : Home ->Philadelphia -> Dublin -> Schiphol (Amsterdam) -> Reykjavik. To return, it became, Reykjavik ->

Ahh, yes, the Snopes standard

Posting a Daily Mail link means you lose.

It’s interesting how many people here are willing to crucify someone for profiting someone else’s art unless that art is a video game. This isn’t just sharing, this was a for profit operation.