You must be young.

Really? Because the FBI has been warning about it for a couple decades at least.

You are just filled to the brim with puritanical bullshit 

“People who exclusively turn on twitch to see cleavage should be watching me instead, even though my content doesn’t cater to their desires.”

He's 6, you berk. And experiences human emotions.

It’s a lootbox, you’ve just fallen for the spin. 

Buying accelerators to hatch eggs is like buying keys to open lootboxes. It’s much of a muchness.

Are you paying money for a random chance at getting something you want? That’s a lootbox, end of story.

“I’m not a conspiracy-addled fascist, but I knowingly voted for one” is not the moral high ground you think it is.

Well instead of making excuses for them or playing into whataboutism you guys could try to denounce them. 

The house refused to take any action against the member (Greene) who loudly supported Qanon and also called for democratic officials to be killed as traitors.

One side literally just stormed the US capitol, erected gallows, and threatened to hang politicians. So no, I have zero desire for unity with anyone who supported that, and the fact that we still have politicians who defend it is disgusting.

Much like your comment!

Except that they aren’t banning Parler based on lawsuits. They are banning them because they specifically violated the terms of the hosting service. Which is a PRIVATE company. They don’t want to be associated with Parler because it will hurt their bottom line.

They aren’t even participating in reality that has truths, they are republican trash scum.

Why shouldn’t a private company be able to enforce their own rules? The big orange dummy agreed to their TOS when he signed up for the service, he can damn well abide by them like the rest of us plebes have to. You have no right to free speech on someone else’s private platform.

I starred you because it seems you made this comment in good faith, and I’ll respond in good faith. The problem with this “punishment, not prevention” approach is... the lack of prevention. “Oh, you can keep inciting insurrection, we’re just gonna getcha when you do!” means he (and the ones that come after him) can

The last thing I want from a fast food restaurant is “adventurous.” That sounds like guaranteed food poisoning.

-100 Social Credits. Please report to your local reeducation centre.

Codemasters hasn’t made a genuinely good and ambitious racer in years.