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    The BMW iRosebud. We know driving pleasure, inside and out.

    4k TV penetration is growing exponentially in the US. Between 2017-2018, 4k representation basically doubled from 16% to 31%. This particular site doesn’t have numbers for 2019-2020, but I wouldn’t be shocked to find more than half of all sets now being 4k, given the ubiquity of cheap 4k panels available from nearly

    ‘2080 Ti performance for greatly reduced cost’ is the whole bloody point of this card. Even nVidia themselves compare them in marketing materials they made for the 3000 series launch. You don’t have to ‘try’ to figure out anything; ‘this is as good as that and costs way less’ is not a hard concept to get. Every single

    Speaking of uninformed opinions and ignorance, you should check out what it says in the first paragraph of your own link;

    Aww she looks so cute. Can’t wait for Aerith and Cloud to live happily ever after at the end of the remake.

    Um...p...ps9, actually-


    ‘SAE Handbook’? ‘References’? Come one dude, no one shopping for a manual (or an auto) needs to cross reference wolfram alpha before consulting an engineer. A manual means you must choose the gears. An auto means it can choose the gears for you. That’s not an opinion, it’s not ‘highly uninformed’ or ignorant; it’s

    Now playing

    It’s not an auto. It’s a dual clutch.

    omg you’re still alive!

    A lot of it comes down to this “I’m going to give Sony a chance” stance they are taking. It completely rubs me the wrong way. It comes across as extremely conceited, that they know better than the people who made the game.

    A remaster nowhere in the shop.

    The Mirage can be had new for $9500 already. That’s not too far away from $7k. The problem isn’t that every car costs too much, its 1) Those safety things you wanna roll back are things customers actually want,  which is why R&D is poured into making cars safer every year (People don’t wanna drive death traps,

    Speaker Wile E. Coyote wouldn’t be able to do anything either if the roadrunner was the Senate Majority Leader.

    The claim I made is that based on numbers, it is very clear that exclusives are not the primary factor in why people choose a console.

    I was rooting for you until I press the english button on your website and realized it had been literally years since anyone has rickrolled me. For that, *I hope your Spirit brand gets brought out by Anheuser-Busch and they change the formula into the most water down flavorless version they can before importing it to

    I love B5 and that’s a great clip, but the SFX of that show did not age well at aaaaalll lol.

    This whole video is a massive indictment against the american education system. 

    These days... a big selling point is being able to do 60fps at 8K

    Core i5 Skylake from 2015

    Free access can only go so far, though. If the service itself is repulsive, a free key to get into it loses a lot of value. I don’t think any device they offer up front would make me want to try this.

    Mario has literal years worth of blue balls since princess peach spends most of her time getting “kidnapped” by bowser, so of course he’d be happy to see that.