
I wasn't trying to match that model - and to me the webcam, mic, trackpad, and weight are meaningless. Superior versions of these can be found on comparable ASUS products.

Here is that Clevo laptop:

No, the unibody construction and other physical choices makes Apple laptops MUCH more annoying to open-up and tinker with. Plus, they often have limitations like not-upgradable RAM.

Well my knowledge of coding and web design is minimal - I was just referencing what others with much more knowledge on these topics than I have said.

I don't agree with the assertion that Apple products are of some superior quality - IMO, ASUS, Samsung, Sony, and Clevo are on-par, if not better-than, Apple products in quality.

That's subjective. I really do not like OS X or Apple at all.

No you can get Windows for $99. But that's clearly higher than the OS X prices you mentioned. Then again, as mentioned in this thread, Apple hardware MORE than makes up for this price difference. By a LOT.

My mistake - but I swear I saw it being sold for $169...? Yet when I went to Apple's website, it said $19.99? Does that require an OS already installed before it? Combined price in such a case might be higher then, perhaps?

I don't agree with your assessment of Windows 7, haha. But Ubuntu is fantastic - I've had a lifetime of exposure to Linux distros, and that is a really nice one. And yeah, Windows was always shabby with battery life and low performance hardware.

Honestly not sure. In the end, there was enough truth in the article for it to make my point, haha.

Hmm, I've heard otherwise from some very serious web designers. Even read a scathing article online from one guy on a major site about why he hates OS X, and he definitely seemed to know his stuff very well.

Actually I thought it was fairly unbiased - the same website has an article with a list of reasons to favor OS X.

I don't agree, but to each his/her own.

Yeah, I referenced the wrong OS. But I do think that OS X is going more toward an iOS-like experience, which I absolutely detest (not a fan of the Windows 8 "Metro" interface either, but at least Stardock created a nifty program to make a makeshift Start menu appear).

I don't know if you've used Windows 7, but it's actually AMAZING. Personally I've found Windows to be much more intuitive and customizable - many agree with this latter part, as when people use things like WindowBlinds and Rainmeter - my mouth just drops, and I never see crazy stuff like that on OS X.

A laptop, minus the resolution behemoth of this? MUCH cheaper. Try barely over $1200:

No, I didn't add an OS - but if you do, the price doesn't go over $1209.08. And one can obtain Windows for much cheaper (legally), sometimes from $5-$30.

I've used it more than enough, and I simply did not like it. It takes the same approach as iOS in trying to over-simplify things for people (I thoroughly hate iOS). I like my crazy options and customizability, at every step of the way.

Yeah, I agree. I got it to $1129.08 with the same SSD size, BTW.

How about less than $1000? Done (upgrade the CPU to the cheapest quad-core listed, and the specs are basically identical to the MBP, save the resolution, for quite obvious reasons):