There are 43 civilizations in this game, not 44. You skipped number 20.
There are 43 civilizations in this game, not 44. You skipped number 20.
WHY has nobody mentioned that the point of using not-water is that tap water has impurities and minerals which WILL scratch your screens? That is the reason you don't use water, unless it's distilled. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I see no mention of this anywhere, and it's super-irresponsible.
Oh shut up.
Of course. But it'd be nice to have a smaller gap between the current high-end PCs and upcoming consoles, to minimize consolization and the holding-back of gaming tech development. They should also not be adverse to raising prices - maximizing accessibility should not be the focus.
Still not good enough. Have you seen Project CARS? THAT should be middle-of-the-gen. We should be advancing as much as possible.
You're remarkably-wrong about gaming PC prices, as is virtually everyone. You can easily build a gaming PC for less than $500 which matches the PS4 processing power and gaming ability. Gaming PCs last a LONG time too. If you buy smart, your shit will always last. Also, consoles had decreasing graphics fidelity and…
Wow that looks barely acceptable for 2013. Why in the world were people talking this video up? Gotta' love releasing "next-gen" consoles with years-old GPU tech.
Wow that looks barely acceptable for 2013. Why in the world were people talking this video up? Gotta' love releasing "next-gen" consoles with years-old GPU tech.
Anyone else get a Deus Ex feel?
Yeah fully agreed! The 15" variant made me have a bit of buyer's remorse, but it wasn't released until it was too late for me anyhow (needed it for law school). That thing is nice (GT 650M and all!).
Pleasantly-surprised by this unbiased Gizmodo article. Expected nothing but MacBooks.
This is NOTHING compared to Mirror's Edge.
I deliberately did not use the word "never" or any definitive statements. Notice my use of "often" and "rarely." Popular CAN be best, and I did not deny that possibility.
Popularity rarely determines quality. Often, it's an indicator of a lack thereof. CoD is an example of this latter phenomenon.
So CoD is the same as always. And the article even talks about how the player has to do even less...and yet MoH gets raped on the review while this is praised. Bias. Blatant bias. The day Kotaku finally stops sucking up to Activision and industry giants is the day it can be regarded as a legitimately-independent and…
Yeah...because there's so much missing data.
"The iPhone 5 May Be the Best Phone In the Universe..."
A decent map, but FAR from the best map. Any one of the Back to Karkand maps or the Armored Kill maps puts it to great shame.
Frankly the advertisement is quite accurate. The Galaxy S III bitch-slaps the iPhone 5 in hardware do many other phones (from HTC, Motorola, LG, Sony, etc.). And I find Android to be FAR, FAR superior to iOS. I don't care much for aesthetics, and minimalism is only good as long as you don't lose…