
Frankly, I prefer Android in every single way to iOS (yes, I have plenty of iOS experience and used to be an Apple-fanboy, embarrassingly-enough). I used Android starting from Gingerbread. I installed CM7 and never, ever regretted not going with an iOS device. CM7 was equally-as-smooth as iOS, and IMO, far, far more

Yep, on my Galaxy S II (SGH-i777)! The Google Play Music app is easily the best music program I have ever used on a mobile device - makes the iPod app look silly by comparison. And Google Play Music itself (the service) trumps everything else, IMO.

Yeah, it is nice, but to be honest it's so weak it's barely better than integrated. Just a micro-touch weaker than an Xbox 360 GPU (which is super-weak). It can play some games fully maxed out at 1080p, however (Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion, for example).

That's not really relevant - Gizmodo and many sites are absurdly pro-Apple fanboys. Additionally, while the MBA was by no means the first light and thin laptop, Apple did the best job with its marketing in recent times (Sony's equivalents have been much better often, but lack the strong advertising). Also, even if

Well this already crushes the MBA. The Zenbook's screen is fantastic, yes. Best I've ever used (aside from my Galaxy S II's SAMOLED+).

MBA is really not impressive compared to this or the Zenbooks. Inferior screen, inferior CPU, weaker GPU than my model's. RAM and SSD I swapped out, but I think were already the same size for all. Also, I'd prefer the aesthetics of this Lenovo, any day of the week. Windows vs. OS X is preference.

I'd have loved this...but the less-than-1080p resolution is a killer, for me. Part of the reason I went with the ASUS Zenbook UX32VD-DB71. But I do like the color black...and carbon fiber.


Fully agreed. They turn a blind eye to Apple's evils and unfairly judge others who commit the same evils.

Agreed. Sam Biddle is a blind Apple fanboy.

No, he's almost spot-on correct. Virtually everything Apple releases is a re-hashed idea or piece of technology.

Doesn't matter when Apple designed it - that image just shows that Samsung didn't copy Apple, as their phone was released to the public before Apple's. However, it is incorrect in assuming that Apple copied Samsung.

Screw David Pogue. One of the most remarkably biased "journalists" I have ever had the displeasure of learning about.

VOTE: Firefox

How ignorant. Your rage is actually not even against Dubstep, but is against Brostep. Check out REAL dubstep sometime, and you might be very surprised by what you find - some of Skream's stuff sounds like jazz.

I don't agree with it feeling like a knock-off, at all. My Dad owns a MacBook Air, and I've messed with an ASUS Zenbook in-store. The similarities stop at silver and small. The build feels different. The I/O ports are different. The material is different. Even the sizes are different (albeit similar). And I prefer the

I don't agree with this recommendation. The ASUS Zenbook UX32VD surpasses this in almost every category (you can upgrade the HDD/SSD and RAM if you're savvy enough - and if not, you can buy a variant which has a better SSD), and beats out the price of the one you guys listed.

Look, I did my research. My sources showed both 1GB and 2GB of RAM for the American variants. Do read my post carefully, please.

FYI, the article seems to be incorrect about RAM - only the Korean version has 2GB of RAM. The rest of the world gets a 1GB variant.

Super-pumped for this expansion. Sid Meier's Civilization V was my first entry into the series, and I love it.