
When I mean more open, I mean that it doesn't follow the whole "walled-garden approach" that OS X does.

When I mean more open, I mean that it doesn't follow the whole "walled-garden approach" that OS X does.

Plus there's the whole MASSIVE price difference and more open OS. I greatly prefer Windows to OS X. By leagues and leagues. If someone sold the new $2200 MBP with Windows, but at a reasonable price for its tech specs (between $1000-1500), I'd totally get it.

I really commend you for an unbiased article. Gizmodo has a (fairly-well deserved) reputation for being an Apple fanblog. I came here expecting gushing praise for iOS, especially because of the new announcements today.

As far as I know, nothing except this new laptop display beats the 1920x1080 display of the 11" ASUS ultrabook that's about to be released (or is perhaps already released).

I don't agree with you at all.





And he deserves every millisecond of it. I hope cruel and unusual is what this useless excuse for a life-form gets.

And I would argue otherwise.

I like how you keep trying to run around the statements I made which already made everything quite crystal-clear.

You're a complete idiot. Did I once say that everyone else is wrong? No. I genuinely hate iOS, yes. I think it's atrocious.

Yes, I do feel iOS is terrible. So what? Are you some Apple spokesperson? Even if so - deal with it. I'm entitled to my own perception of things and likes/dislikes.

Even the next-gen consoles will be limited, from the rumors so far spread. Both the next PS and Xbox are strongly rumored to have a Radeon HD 6670-like GPU. That's low-mid range for a gaming PC today. One of the cheapest GPUs, actually. That will not max out many of the games running today at reasonable framerates.

Guys, these are virtually ALL running on current PCs. There is nothing "next-gen" about them.

Could not disagree more with this article. iOS totally sucks, and I've found messing with Android to be much more intuitive and rewarding.

DICE doesn't make MoH. Danger Close does.

And a new JK game.