
Aside from the PC version, obviously, as a few have stated. Even with a 1:1 port from console to PC, the PC version of games can be played at much higher resolutions, can force AA and AF, and can often force ambient occlusion.

I guess I kind of have the "go hardcore or don't at all" mentality with laptop GPUs. You're right though - it's not bad. But it's not as crazy powerful as necessary for a "true" gaming PC.

Yep! Running CM9 on my SGH-i777 (AT&T Samsung Galaxy S II). It's wonderful. Couldn't have asked for something better.

Yeah, that is true - higher resolutions require more horsepower.

1080p at minimum or bust...yes, even for a screen that small - I like my pixel density. Besides, ASUS is doing 1080p on 11-13 inch ultrabooks...

I have owned a GeForce 6800 GT, a GeForce 8600M GT, a GeForce 8600 GTS, a Radeon HD 4870 X2, a Radeon HD 4650, a Radeon HD 5870, and a GeForce GTX 680.

LOL, that's how I feel. I absolutely detest CoD and fast-paced FPS games, so I'm a huge BF fan. I tried out ArmA and simply did not have the patience to learn the keyboard controls (like every key is used, it's just absurd) or the game overall.

I see. Also, I have to wince at the complaint about running on a BF3 map - that's nothing (especially compared to ArmA). BF2/BF2142 maps were much larger. However, they had more vehicles too.

If you think BF3 is by any means must have been playing nothing more than CoD. BF3 is just the middle ground between whiplash-fast and pain-drying slow. Try out ArmA. WAY slower and more realistic than...anything.

Dear lord, I hope this is sarcasm. If not, you need to actually study history.

WND is not a legitimate or trustworthy source. This article is to be treated with the utmost skepticism.

It's coming like a week or two later. Remember, the PC version is ridiculously more intense, with DirectX 11 graphics and PhysX capabilities. Unfortunate that we must wait, but we always get the better product.

TFU is blasphemy. The Jedi Knight games, SWRC, and even the good old SWGB RTS games were easily the kings of Star Wars gaming.

I'm not speaking out of ignorance. I'm ludicrously-familiar with most, if not all, LucasArts games and developer-publisher relations. This is hardly the first instance of a developer complaining about the idiots at LucasArts. LucasArts also went through some ridiculous firing in the last few years, and have made some

Are you like 12? What kind of an absurd respond is this? Why are you trolling these comments?

Are you...high? I couldn't care less what you're for or against trashing. I hate LucasArts. And that's that.

Yeah, who the fuck is this guy? He's responding to an argument I never made.

Why are you running to LucasArts' defense? They suck serious dick. You're being an apologist.

I've been saying this for years before this article came out. I didn't say a thing about what this guy said.

LucasArts is full of shit. They haven't made a single good game since 2006. Fuck them. Sell the rights to a good studio so we can finally have real Star Wars games again.