I appreciate it - and I fully agree with what you said. I believe you might be right about the saturation causing the "tinting." But aside from that the cameras are pretty much identical, even in video capabilities.
I appreciate it - and I fully agree with what you said. I believe you might be right about the saturation causing the "tinting." But aside from that the cameras are pretty much identical, even in video capabilities.
Please don't be so condescending. Just because you haven't heard of it doesn't make it "hidden." Here are some of COUNTLESS threads about this:
The cameras are virtually identical (although the front-facing camera on the Galaxy S II is superior, barely - and the iPhone 4S camera is well-known to have a strange color-tint to it, but some people like that).
Actually I've seen a benchmark a while back with a "stripped-down," jailbroken iPhone 4S. Was SLIGHTLY faster than a stock iPhone 4S, and nowhere near as fast as a rooted/ROMed Galaxy S II.
This comparison...makes no sense. Of course the Galaxy S III decimates the iPhone 4S. It needs to be compared with the next iPhone.
She's correct in saying how the graphics look crazy. Crazy awful. Downright terrible, to be precise.
Dammit, you posted this before me not even 20 minutes earlier. But yes, this script rocks.
Here's a better solution, for Firefox, at least:
VOTE: Samsung Galaxy S II. No contest.
Here are the 1920x1200 monitors on Newegg:
Sorry Crytek, your TERRIBLE handling of the PC community has pretty much resulted in my boycotting your games unless amends are made.
Samsung Galaxy S II. Using Google Play Music. No contest. Makes the iPod look like a total joke.
Rumor could have used the wrong word though.
I think this is referring to HDD, as in hard disk drive. Not optical drive. They're going with an SSD, it seems.
Hearted for speaking the truth. Am so tired of proving so many ignorant people wrong.
Yeah actually, you might be right. Might be a great change too, which could benefit PC gaming.
A Valve console would be silly. All consoles are just remarkably-low spec PCs. Building a console-slapping PC for cheaper than a console is already more than possible - where in the world could Valve even take this?
My sister's character is named Bob Shepard.
The Battlelog forums are made up of the same kids who scream on their microphones on Xbox Live, post uneducated YouTube comments, and think 4chan's /b/ is a cool place. Don't mix that up with the actual BF community. You'll find the real, and the mature community all over well-known community sites and Reddit, not…