
That's only one of the requirements and the weakest one. No customization, and no keyboard/mouse = no buy. Not to mention, that screen resolution is AWFUL!

Sorry, but this is NOT the future of PC gaming. In fact, this avoids having any of the things that PC gamers NEED - customization, mouse/keyboard, and well, an OS to support programs like Steam/Origin/Impulse.

This post was remarkably informative. Appreciate it, thanks!

I'm guessing this is IPS or PVA?


This isn't really BioWare. It's Victory Games, renamed to BioWare Victory, because adding BioWare to stuff allows one to have a license to print money.

Of course I'm biased, haha. I abhor all things CoD, and objectively speaking, BF3 currently has the best graphics engine - Crysis 2 beats certain graphical components in a few areas, but Frostbite 2.0 has the majority of areas under its dominance.

This entire series is better than the nonsense (and prior canon-breaking stuff) Lucas can put in his CGI TCW series.

VGA is a total joke, and has been for quite some time. They didn't even have the best graphics games as contenders for the best graphics...and Unreal Engine 3 won. That's laughable. Crysis 2 and Battlefield 3 are undoubtedly among the best in graphics - neither were even part of the selection pool.

HOLY MOTHERFUCKING SHIT, I DO NOT BELIEVE THIS! Just last week I commented that I would like it to be a Generals sequel.

Is Gawker just bitter over their own site redesign and the negative reaction? Because Gawker deserves the negative reaction - I no longer visit this site at all - I only read the articles through RSS feeds now.

Oh, I agree. But my concern is for increased Chinese influence in the world, especially regionally. I favor U.S. hegemony, and China's increased military strength presents new complications for the American sphere of influence in that region (and in others).


It's mostly assured that they did not shoot it down. The thing crashed. Quality engineering, huh?

Depends. If you favor U.S. interests, yes, because it makes conducting American foreign policy a bit harder. And it also might eventually lead to the U.S. itself being spied upon.

LOL, I just saw it as a brilliant comical caricature of different people. They made the Americans absurdly gung-ho, the GLA preposterously goofy, and the Chinese very...nuclear? Haha, I'm staunchy anti-racist, but I just saw this as good comical fun.

Agreed. Very few RTSes since have been even close to adequate, IMO. They've all been...O.K. But none of them have had the amazing base-building dynamics of Generals.

I never liked any C&C stuff aside from Generals. Seeing as how it had nothing to do with the franchise, and how much I freaking love it, I'm actually hoping this game, if it is a C&C game, also has nothing to do with the franchise, because then the chances are much higher that I'll like it.

He also was a Muslim-hating bigot, totally fell apart when asked about recent involvement in Libya, and thought we needed to stop China from getting nukes...which they already have.

He also was a Muslim-hating bigot, totally fell apart when asked about recent involvement in Libya, and thought we needed to stop China from getting nukes...which they already have.