
Hearted for awesome.

Yeah, I know, I was just talking about TFU.

Activision did NOT publish TFU outside of Japan. Just saying - their experience with it is very limited.

There's no elitism there - that's objective fact. Like it or not. The comment above me says what I want to say (the first paragraph).

That's not true at all, and everyone here has been trying to explain this to you. Let me give you an example of a massive difference - BF3. On the PC version, you have HUGE maps, 64-player servers, more vehicles, commo-rose, and mouse/keyboard gameplay. On console, these things are not there. This changes the game

Yeah you're definitely a troll. Many comments here explaining otherwise, and you continue to stick to a belief already shown to be false.

It's not, and clearly you seem to be blind to this. Everyone is telling you otherwise. Games feel totally different on PC as well. Additional features too.

...really? Mods not being made by developers? That'd defeat the purpose. Mods are modifications. Not stuff that comes in the game from developers.

It hinders innovation in the industry. You just cannot push new graphics, audio, features, or physics with 5-6-year-old dated hardware. This, and the fact that console games look awful to me, is why I rage when games don't come to PC or are console ports.

Are you trolling? Because PC games (especially non-ports) are substantially different from console games in more than just graphics. Often there are additional features, ENORMOUS modding communities, better sound replication, and superior physics. Not to mention better controls and a different feel (FOV has something

Yeah, well what about those who don't own consoles? Or do, but refuse to buy any console games because they don't enjoy console gaming (such as myself - I honestly get bored playing on consoles). Plus, BF1943 is super-arcadized compared to "real" Battlefield.

Umm? No bullshit there at all.

The most serious of Battlefield fans - PC Battlefield gamers.

LOL, I actually loved the plot of BF3 because it's very political, and I love politics. Lots of real-world international dynamics going on there. The guy wanted to blow up NYC with a Russian nuke to cause war between the U.S. and Russia - his motives beyond that weren't revealed, but I didn't mind - I just saw him as

@Adam Walker I can't even reply to your comment - Kotaku says it's too short. But my reply would be this: There is no hypocrisy in there.

ROFL! CoD is nothing more than a Michael Bay version of a video game. Meaning awful plot, sub-par dialogue and acting, and not much more than "BOOM! EXPLOSIONS! BOOM!"

Sure thing!

Pakistan was part of British India - English is one of the official languages of both India and Pakistan, and high-end shopping malls in India tend to only have things written in English.

Quite frankly, this is NOT shocking news. Go to XDA-Developers Forums. You'll find that the Galaxy S II, when rooted, spanks both the iPad and iPhone 4S in virtually all CPU-related tests. And gets VERY close to the same GPU performance as the iPad and iPhone 4S.

Hope we don't have the same proportion on PC. I'm tired of the CoD newbs not playing BF properly on the servers. Give me fucking ammo and health packs when I'm injured, and capture the goddamn control points! Repair the damn tanks! Spot the enemies! If you can't do these things, stop playing Battlefield!