

That's true, and I'm also curious about that.

Rubber bullet, he was fine, but in pain. Gizmodo had an article about it.

No I mean the cops were doing it, haha.

I'm not a fan of the Occupy protesters because they're so disorganized and they've failed to explain what it is they want exactly. really should read a little more news/watch some more videos about the Oakland one. That one is absurd. They spontaneously beat people who were doing absolutely nothing. One

No, I don't care to speak to you because your own insecurities are coming out in your comments. And because you can't accept my point of view for what it is. I have no problem "holding the conversation." I'm walloping you in this, and you know it - you're just reaching out desperately now. It's highly amusing yet very

Agreed. But to be honest, I was actually referring to the love of PC gaming.


The U.S. could learn something from Korea...

You're making LOTS of unwarranted assumptions. First things first - I don't like EA's sports games exploitation. But EA is much more decentralized - that same Activision-esque behavior is not found all throughout EA. Unlike Activision, where upon acquiring Blizzard, Kotick has been trying to engage the same annual

Oh, I'm well-aware of my bias. I prefer BF and PC gaming. But my dislike for CoD isn't out of some "I love BF so I hate CoD" nonsense. My reasons make perfect logical sense and were detailed in my earlier posts. A lot of it is simply based on economics and innovation in the industry. There is objectivity there.

Are you...on drugs? Your comments are making less-and-less sense and having less-and-less relevancy. "Take" critical thinking? What? From where? Did I return it?

I think you pretty much just invalidated your criticism with your own admission of bias and prejudice. I'm coming from a somewhat-objective view here. I gave my reasons. I don't give a shit if you don't like them - they are what they are. This is a response by me against this awful article and its uneducated message.

I don't need to play MW3 to know it's basically the same game as MW, WaW, BO, and MW2. I've evidenced it in person, seen videos, and heard countless testimonials. I'm not one to fall into fanboyism, for or against anything - I only deal in reasoned, educated arguments.

What? Are you trying to look for confrontation between the lines? Because there is nothing there. I played CoD 4 a lot as a freshman in college, in friends' dorms and houses. I quickly got sick of it. Then I naively thought that WaW might be different. Tried it at a friend's house, hated it immediately.

I've played it way too many times, thanks. I'm only speaking out against it because of this article. Else I don't care to waste my time yelling about it.

I see what you did there. But I'm not on some high horse here. The author is. I have legitimate reasons to hate CoD, and that's that.

The amount of money something makes means absolutely nothing to me. Popularity never determines quality (look at the awful pop music today). And quantity certainly doesn't either.

100% disagreed. If you look at shooters, CoD is easily among the most unrealistic/most arcadey FPS. For modern combat shooters, it'd go (from least realistic to most) CoD, MoH, BF, and then ArmA.

Sorry, you're wrong, and this article is dead wrong. I hate CoD, not out of some self-entitled elitism, but because it's hurting the industry. It breeds acceptance of mediocrity, overpriced DLC, the same freaking game every year, and minimal-to-no innovation. It also doesn't help PC gaming at all, and only orients