
It already dethroned all CoDs quality.

Boba Fett lives!

I think we already established that this isn't a review in earlier comments, but this firm DOES engage in reviewing, and will.

I'm allowed bias - I'm not a reviewer.

My bad.

AH, whoops. Also, I'm allowed bias - I'm not a reviewer.

And this is the nail in the coffin for me in regarding Kotaku reviews as useless. Recommending Rage? Loving CoD? Recommending MW3 without playing it? No thanks.

I'll keep lobbying against, it that's what I'll do. No stick in my ass - I just understand the economics and innovation forces in this industry, and I dislike consoles. Deal with it - I'm not going to change this philosophy.

Actually the PC-related comment was separate from my main comment. I was just expressing enthusiasm for PC Battlefield. But yes, I am an elitist PC gamer - deal with it. Consolization of games has weakened innovation and the quality of a lot of games, Battlefield included. I wish BF3 had been a PC-exclusive.

...good for you...? You've established zilch.

Battlefield with NO hesitation. I hate all things about CoD. I'm all about team play, strategic thinking, and more realistic FPS. Oh, and huge maps and vehicles.

IMO, Battlefield does. I hate the Michael Bay-esque unbelievable CoD stories. BF3 had too many QTEs and was a bit too linear, but the subtle personality traits of characters and the nuances of foreign affairs/politics could be seen, if you were observant. Very believable, good old Battlefield.

...RPG elements? What?

Very excited for CoD to be released. Why? So that all these CoD newbs get off the BF servers. PC Battlefield till death!

...that's not true at all. EA did a MAJOR turn around. They used to be the hated one. Now it's Activision. Just read Kotick's awful comments and ideas, and see the useless rehashed garbage Activision pumps out yearly (for a while it was the same Guitar Hero game with different tracks, annually - now it's a new CoD

I kept having random freezes due to Flash (and in particular, "plugin_container.exe") since Firefox 7. Never had this problem before - I'm hoping deeply that they fixed it for Firefox 8, because quite frankly, I don't like any other browsers (Chrome is too simplified for my liking and still doesn't have a bookmarks

Meh. Michael Bay is NOT my idea of awesome. Bad Boys and Bad Boys II are the only movies of his I like (and the first was substantially better than the second). Snooze-fest. That was nothing more than "whoosh, mysterious dialogue, woosh, boom, speed, mysterious dialogue, woosh" on repeat.

Hearted for this genius comment, haha.

Vote: feedly.

Most likely, yeah. If so, and if I get this game, I'll enjoy wiping them out.