I'm not Hindu, you idiot. I WAS Hindu.
I'm not Hindu, you idiot. I WAS Hindu.
No, you dumbshit, fascism has ALWAYS been regarded as right-wing. Only recently, with misinformationist revisionists, like the scum-of-the-universe Glenn Beck, did people try to label it as left-wing. High religiosity, cutthroat nationalism, superior-than-thou mindset? Only SOME of the aspects of fascism - deeply…
Sorry bud, it's you who has fallen to the sword of propaganda. Wake the fuck up. Virtually every single word of yours is false, throughout virtually all of your comments. I've provided sources to back myself up, and truth-based arguments - you dodged most comments and ignored all sources as propaganda, even when from…
You're again proving how you're a moron. You know oh-so-little. FASCISM IS NOT ON THE LEFT. WAKE THE FUCK UP. This is BASIC political knowledge.
I agree, oddly enough, with you on fixing the tax code. But increased regulation is necessary to provide guard against monopolies, price-fixing, employee exploitation, environmental degradation, anti-competitive behavior, and shady accounting practices. Deregulation is heavily part of what got us into this economic…
Yes, you are clueless and blind. You comments speak for themselves.
Yes because one man holding a sign represents all Muslims. Grow up, get an education, and stop drinking the right-wing evil propaganda. And drop the hypocrisy and hate. Fucking fearmongerer.
As if I knew that's why you double-posted?
I'm pro everything you just said. Taxes are necessary for revenue, and regulation is necessary to keep firms in check.
WOW. You are dumb AND blind. Fox News doesn't have an agenda? Fuck yes they do, and if you can't see this, you really need to just stop talking about politics for the rest of your life.
I don't watch news at all - I read it online. I have, in the past, however, watched more than enough Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, etc. for a lifetime or two. I'm not arguing that the rest are not unbiased - they certainly are. But Fox News is alone at a different scale of biased and ready to spread misinformation - those…
No, really look again - I did, and you're too thick-skulled to see it.
Every assumption of yours has been, and continues to be 100% false. I hate anarchism - I'm pro-big government.
Facepalm. Please go to school. And take a LOT of classes on anthropology, political science, government, international studies, and sociology. Your ignorance is...astounding.
You're a dumbass. 100%. I'm not denying tension in Egypt. Also, most of your links are again biased sources, so those are to be disregarded. I'm well-aware of the attacks on Coptic Christians. I'm well-aware of the problems Egyptian secularism will be facing.
My Muslim friends (very enlightened, very open-minded, and have read religious texts from a variety of religions - none overbearing about Islam, and all regard radical Islam as evil) tell me that this is virtually impossible to discern, because of serious problems in inter-period and inter-language…
You've demonstrated a need to not pay attention to you with your comment about being a "number 1 show." CoD is the best-selling game, but that doesn't make it not shit. Many people in this nation are bat-shit stupid.
No, you really did not. The OP was about Cain's bigotry. Your commentary was about how you find hardcore liberals to be as bad as hardcore conservatives. Good for you, I really don't care.
Wow. You just eat up the propaganda, don't you? In Egypt the military has decided to ban discrimination (thankfully):
So well, well said. 100% agreed. You spoke the truth.