
Do keep in mind that the buffoons running these dictatorships don't represent the majority of people, nor even the rulers in every majority-Muslim nation. Hence the Arab Spring...

Those who cannot be educated or reasoned with to drop bigotry don't deserve to live among the rest of us, as they are cancerous for an increasingly-educated and tolerant society, and hinder the progress of human societies. Departing can be done by perhaps deportation, or imprisonment. Or execution.

I believe that many on this Earth deserve death and give away their right to life with their actions.

Ah, the writings of a desperate fool who knows his misinformation and incorrect understanding of the world are being challenged, and that doubts have been planted in his mind. How very obvious indeed.

You realize he was writing that comment in mockery of some batshit-stupid conservative commenter in here, right? He took the original comment and basically reversed it, almost word-for-word.

False. 100% false. Like most of the shit you've written. India, for example, NEVER existed as a nation until modern times and British colonization before its current independence. It was always just a general region of smaller city-states and kingdoms, united by a generally similar (but NOT same) culture, language,

You're an idiot. You think the people running those dictatorships are the same as the average Muslims in the U.S.?

Fox News brings people of the "left" to make themselves look less biased. You are beyond blind if you do not think Fox News is radically right-wing. Even plenty of conservatives can see this. Additionally, the "left" folk they bring present ideas of the SUPER radical left, and label them as your average liberals, to

Thank you for copying and pasting your previous irrelevant comment. I shall do the same in response:

Some people cannot be reasoned with/educated. It's better for humanity and evolution for that person to depart, from a variety of means.

I don't believe in much of what you just said, especially the part about being made in the image of God.

Well clearly my previous attempts using legitimate sources and reasoned arguments failed with them. There literally is no way else to argue with those buffoons. They reject reality - they deal with the consequences.

Hating those who are bigots is not a bad thing - in fact it INCREASES an environment of multicultural understanding/acceptance. Bigotry is not a legitimate mindset that should be respected - it's a disease of humanity, and malignant. It involves the preaching that other cultures/religions/ethnic groups/the other

Haha, thanks! It's taking a toll on me - I am upset by how many idiots are actually out there. My faith in humanity has been substantially decreased.

As far as I know, in most Muslim-majority countries, society frowns upon a lack of hijab-wearing. This is not true in the more educated, less conservative countries. Conservative Christian countries also had similar societal oppression, not too long ago. Further education remedied this.

As far as I'm concerned, that's impossible to determine, because every religion is interpreted in a myriad of ways and has a myriad of factions. Islam doesn't demand a lot of the things people think it demands, in the majority of interpretations - often it's the more radical interpretations which get the spotlight

Oh, I've seen it first-hand. Some people act like it's the pre-Civil Right era, and it's deeply maddening.

Education and enlightenment. Killing morons like those only turns them into martyrs for the uneducated, and doesn't attack the root of the problem - ignorance.

Good for you, you've missed the point of the OP.

Way to not notice that the idiot I'm arguing with is actually the bigot.