
Haha, I doubt it. Hell, I bet Cantor hates Muslims and non Judeo-Christians too. The GOP continues to radicalize and attract Bible-thumping religious bigots. Many of them enjoy trying to deny the separation of church and state inherent in our nation's philosophy.

Cain is an idiot. His bigotry and Muslim-hating alone make me abhor this fool.

Word. Every time I read the word LucasArts, a mixed feeling of anger and nostalgia go through me. I want LucasArts to burn and go bankrupt if they don't start producing/publishing some quality games again - 2005 was the last time.

Try Caspian Border, if you have access to it. It's a true Battlefield map, very reminiscent of BF2.

Taking this with a grain of salt because from everything I've seen and read of Rage, Kotaku took the perception 100% opposite from mine. Plus they've had pro-CoD story reviews...

Yep, no problem!

No problem!

I was addressing the following:

Read my other comments, my OP was directed at other commenters, not you.

Umm, Battlefield was "classic modern infantry shooter" before CoD was. BF2, 2005.

I meant that if id didn't focus on PC gamers in their next game, I'd regard them the same as the backstabber firm, Crytek.

Yes. Crytek used misleading advertising and repeated statements about not forgetting about the PC gaming community. Bait-and-switch. Many PC gamers bought Crysis 2 only to realize they'd been blatantly lied to. Myself included.

Oh, O.K., WTF? Haha, that's deeply contradictory with this:

Umm, PCs are better for a myriad of reasons besides developers, you realize? Yes, there may be a few PC-centric developers left, but it doesn't make PC a less-superior platform - it's better in virtually every other regard.


Apparently Carmack changed his mind on the PC focus thing - he expressed regret at taking the consoles-first approach. IIRC, PC Gamer and other websites have quoted him on this in several articles.

I was responding to some of the commenters, my bad in the ambiguity.

Yeah, I did, I was responding to some of the commenters, my bad in the ambiguity.

But they do sell more copies with the reduced prices. An astounding amount, in fact. Steam's sales are, IMO, the pinnacle of what we've seen in the reduced-costs-lead-to-way-more-sales dynamic.

This isn't CoD. Nor is it meant to be - and it never should be. This is about large battlefields with many vehicles, and some actual thinking of strategy when attacking. Meaning not fast-paced.