Again, you didn't read what I had written. $300-400 is the selling price for an Xbox 360/PS3 here. Anyways, this is what a guy on Guru3D did:
Again, you didn't read what I had written. $300-400 is the selling price for an Xbox 360/PS3 here. Anyways, this is what a guy on Guru3D did:
You just won the planet and my extreme gratitude for this comment.
You continue to ignore what I've written. I never said high-spec. I said a PC that can outperform a PS3/Xbox 360. Neither of these devices are high-spec, at all. Average family PCs outperform them now.
If you go to Guru3D, you will find plenty of threads discussing (usually off-topic) how to build a PC for roughly the same price as a console. I am unaware if this is possible with British pound prices and Euro prices (although I do recall one person on that forum listing items in pounds, and it adding up to less than…
Because mediocrity does not drive innovation. The market will, and has been stagnating by targeting the middle ground. If we want gaming to advance, we have to have the targeting of high-spec devices. Profit and loss shouldn't be the only things thought of here. That's boring and harmful to the industry (especially in…
That's not the point. There should be a push towards adopting higher spec. Plus, current consoles are so out-of-date that one can buy an average family computer that outperforms them (I am not kidding - look up the GPU and CPU specs on consoles). Consoles are also limited to DirectX 9 at the moment - we're already at…
I'm well-aware. But D2D, Impulse, and Origin are cutting into Steam's profits and the digital distribution market too.
Facepalm. They do. Piracy is quite rampant on consoles too.
No, that developers till focus on the platform that allowed for their success, permits innovation in graphics and gaming technology (physics, game features, etc.) - the consoles are WAY too out of date for this, and encourages user modding. I don't give a shit about them focusing on console games, as long as it…
Oh there are. I follow all political and worldly events to the hour. But that doesn't make gaming unimportant to me. You might not find it super important, but I do. Don't project.
Word. This is why I hate GFWL and the consolization of PC gaming.
Yeah, you're mostly correct.
It's about PC gaming. I won't relax because PC gaming is constantly under threat from moronic moves such as this (and console gaming in general).
I don't think "fuck" makes anything immature. I mean what I said.
That in itself is true, but I hate GWFL because of the stupid restrictions it has and the fact that it forces me to log into such a clunky, consolized system to play a GFWL game.
Why do you need to "play on" anything? I don't need a social service for gaming.
Yeah, my bad, I meant GFWL.
You don't get it. This article and the comments sum up my thoughts: