You don't get it. This article and the comments sum up my thoughts:
You don't get it. This article and the comments sum up my thoughts:
Jon Stewart is a gamer himself, in case you didn't know. PC gamer to be exact. He was in Columbus, Ohio earlier this year, and as I was a student at OSU, I made sure to go since I'm a huge fan of his.
Fuck GFW. PC gamers do NOT want integration for a myriad of reasons - one being, sorry if it offends you, but we don't want to interact with the substantially more immature gamers from Xbox Live. Another being that we play on PC to AVOID restrictions and dumbed-down interfaces/extra gates.
This is such a weird article - I just started not eating for three hours prior to exercising. You know what? It's working in burning fat.
Bullshit. I don't believe it for a second. The PRC has an ulterior motive in publishing studies like this - reduce gaming in China. Why? Because they want to, and because they fear the "foreign propaganda influence" from foreign games, which many throughout the world play.
I'm aware, but some of those Steamworks games would be great to LAN (Civilization 5, I'm looking at you) in my house with my brother. I don't want to have to buy two copies of the game. Total War games also come to mind.
EVERYONE, SHUT UP. This is why it happened:
Yeah, but why have an additional unnecessary program. Your choice, of course - I'm just somewhat of a minimalist, and like to do things on my own without extra stuff.
You failed to read that the tech demo was performed on Xbox 360s, PS3s, and PCs. Not the Wii U. Kotaku has a large article on this.
Yeah, you're correct. However, even some of the ones doing VIP protection have been known to engage in human rights abuses. And how do we know that the VIPs aren't individuals whom Uncle Sam might want dead? Again, my main problem with them is that they are loyal to profit, not a nation.
Honestly I'd let Costa Rica and all those other nations fend for themselves. It isn't our job to provide military forces, as our government has surmised, and private firms from the U.S. getting involved often can run contrary to what American policy is (I again point to the U.A.E.). That's disloyal to me - as a…
Fair enough - I'm just very anti-defense-plus-private-sphere. I believe in a consistent, government-supporting defense force, not one loyal to profit. As a liberal Democrat, it just grinds my gears as dangerous, irresponsible, and wrong to let PMCs flourish (hardcore U.S. military supporter here).
I hate Blackwater. FYI, this firm is now helping the U.A.E. suppress its own people. And if history has anything to say for it, probably with lethal violence targeting innocent civilians.
I might be the only one saying this - but this doesn't looking visually stunning at all. In fact, I think it looks fairly dull/bland. I do like the sand effects, but honestly it doesn't take much to create sand effects like that - I used to mod for several games, and trails like that were common in the dated engines I…
I hate LucasArts with a burning passion. Since 2005 there hasn't been a single good SW game. What the fuck? LucasArts, either pull your head out of your ass and learn to hire the right people (and retain talent), or please cease to be the poor excuse of a gaming company you are.
What's wrong with you!
Warning - if your friend is desi, this will not work. We're naturally late to everything, and make a subconscious effort to continue being late. All of my desi friends, and virtually every desi I've ever met, has adhered to this.