@trithleon: Happy Birthday:
@trithleon: Happy Birthday:
Coming from a PC gamer who hates consoles and console-ports:
Brilliant! Anything insulting the God-awful CoD games is good in my book!
@Bluntsky: Oh, I misinterpreted your comment to be saying that buying pre-built was cheaper.
@OMG! British Dinosaur!: Hmm. I gotta' disagree on that. For me, warranty and customer support only matter for individual components. That way I can isolate the problem, learn which manufacturers to avoid buying from, and get a rapid replacement or fix the problem on my own, rather than having the entire computer out…
@NRSander: Pretty much everything. The insanely inflated price, the lack of all options in component parts, the (often, but not always) bloatware installed (if you have an OS pre-installed), and not being fully familiar with the inside of your computer so you have an idea of what's going on with it if something's…
@Bluntsky: Umm, you realize the cost of buying pre-built is ENORMOUS compared to building your own PC?
I REALLY don't understand why you have ANY desire to buy a pre-built computer, ESPECIALLY because you've built your own before. The TONS of disadvantages to buying pre-built are...not ignorable.
@CosmicElement: YOU wish you could block people? Since you kind of made "amends" with that edit I'll be nice. Otherwise I'd bring up something about irony and nerve of trolls, etc.
@CosmicElement: Ah. An uneducated troll. Should have guessed earlier.
@CosmicElement: No, I'm sticking with you guys being idiots. Feminists are always "out there" doing stuff. My college has a huge push for a sexual violence policy re-engineering. I go to the second most populous school in the U.S., so this is kind of a big deal. Just because you don't see it doesn't make it so.
@EUAN1337: Umm...? I really don't follow your comment. Not sure if it was even supposed to be directed at me.
While the PS3 is REALLY out-of-date in processing and graphics power, I'm fairly certain that this device is NOT just as powerful as a PS3.
@dirty: Whoever said anything about that? I didn't. We're discussing sexism towards women, nothing else here. You're addressing an argument that you brought up out of nowhere.
@CosmicElement: Then you and your girlfriend are fucking morons. Feminism is about equality between the sexes. The term is misused today by misogynists who seek to label misandrists (men-haters, the opposite of misogynists) as feminists, to give feminism a bad image.
@EUAN1337: No, this is pretty much blatant sexism. Political correctness isn't an issue here. You might perceive it as a funny joke, but women have to go through this shit on a daily basis, and more often than not it has derogatory intent.
@MrFluffyThing: Nothing wrong with people wanting 1080p monitors - until it starts cutting into the availability of 1920x1200 monitors. An equal amount would be great, but that's not what's happening, at all.
Edit: Gah, why did my comment double-post?
@MrFluffyThing: I'd say 2560x1600 or die. Not a fan of 4:3 here.