1920x1200 OR DIE!
1920x1200 OR DIE!
@brt312-: You've got to be kidding me. The recycled, arcadey, glitchy, short-attention-span-player-oriented FPS made by the consumer-hating, franchise-milking firm of Activision should have won?
@kratos_hates_everyone: Agreed entirely. The most annoying thing is that you can build PCs for same/similar prices as the Xbox 360 and PS3 which outperform them. Gah!
@Bluetooth: Damn it, I had written out a huge response, and then I closed the tab. Gah. Too tired to re-write everything, but here's a quick response:
@anduin1: Yes, I agree, actually. It's not consoles themselves, but the excuse that they provide for developers who neglect PC gaming and gaming industry innovations.
@Superfly_CJ: Not a scapegoat. Very well-connected and discussed in gaming media. DirectX is a prime example of this, as are a lack of mod tools.
@Manly McBeeferton: Can't hurt.
@The Delanator: Not really. The entire PC community is pissed.
@Bluetooth: No hyperbole - I was beyond blown away by the Galaxy S's screen.
@Manly McBeeferton: Far too much to address in a comment, but include things like stunting gaming technology growth, hindering graphics progress, limiting game physics, hurting PC gaming support, essentially killing off modding support (as a former modder, this one PISSES ME OFF), attaching prices to DLC (where…
If Crytek ends up backstabbing PC gamers anymore, I will happily pray for their downfall and demise. And I'm an agnostic.
@Bluetooth: I also have a need for high-resolution displays (but I won't care about phone resolutions until we hit 1080p kind of stuff - anything below that isn't high enough for me). That is the only advantage I see in the iPhone 4's display. But the colors and contrast are remarkably inferior to the Galaxy S's…
I'm sorry, but this article makes me very upset. Your attitude is the kind which has led to extremely uncreative and constricted maps in many modern games.
Your reference to an excellent movie series makes you an awesome person.
@Bluetooth: The article praises the SAMOLED screen and states it to be the best in quality in the conclusion. My roommate has a Galaxy S, and simply put, it's the best damn screen I've ever seen in my life. And numerous other reviews have put it out ahead of the iPhone 4's. I quote:
@Thecenturyslayer: True.
@Thecenturyslayer: I should have clarified. I'm not a fan of ArmA II very much because it takes realism to a not-fun level. Project Reality for BF2 rocked, as did vanilla BF2. And while BFBC2 was a bit consolized, it's WAY beyond the CoD series in realism.
@Bluetooth: O.K., sub-par is an unfair assessment, but the rest of what I stated holds true. The CPU is not the most powerful among its competitors. The Samsung Galaxy S has a customized A8 which outperforms the iPhone 4's. It's GPU straight up smashes the iPhone 4. And the SAMOLED screen? WAY better than the IPS…
CoD deserves no such recognition. It's an absolutely recycled franchise (I can't think of an example of any franchise so recycled), and I refuse to pay a cent to Activision for being such a douchey company.