Pretty much the entire intermountain west has 85 regular gas.
Pretty much the entire intermountain west has 85 regular gas.
There is no explosion with proper combustion. It’s a controlled burn. Any explosion=detonation/knock. Octane is the resistance to knock. Simple as that. The more resistance, the higher compression you can use. Compression is what allows you to convert to potential energy (BTUs) into kinetic energy (torque and HP). …
There are a lot of things you'll never see or hear about until you get away from the coasts. I've seen it all thoughout the Rocky Mountain states.
The only thing that’s potentially more frustrating than having no insurance policy is having two. Because neither will pay and you’re stuck holding the bag.
Lol the main thing is don’t check “Yes” to items like “Do you suffer / Have you suffered from mental illness?” on your background check form.
“So... is this the “good guy with a gun” scenario I’ve been hearing about?”
“I know mental health episode seems likely... but how does someone with mental health issues get a gun? I thought there was proper screening and background checks.”
No need for the attitude - please try acting like the professional you are claiming to be. All those cars have wind deflectors, low seating positions, and bodywork that are exactly what I was talking about with cars designed to run without a windshield. Your render does not include that (or at least not that I can…
I appreciate the confidence, but body work is something we all can imagine but in practice is much harder than we think to pull of correctly. I am enjoying the story though and look forward to seeing it all pulled off!
Hs saying that because you are building the car in your garage using tools secured from Harbor Freight while the render is a drawing. See the difference? I assume the final weight you quote is without a driver?
“unnecessary pointless bullshit” you mean literally EVERYTHING? Because that’s what container ships carry. Over 80% of all goods in the world, and over 90% of international trade, is transported by sea. Food, cars, clothes, you name it, they probably got to you in a container. Yes, the lack of emissions regulations in…
You know you’re contributing to global death by posting in this thread on a piece of unnecessary pointless bullshit, right?
Imma let you finish but fuck your road trip. The car has to be comfortable for 95% of the use-cases and bigger is more comfortable. How much heavier is an Impala EV going to be over a bolt? Not that much, for a vastly increased capability at the expense of some range.
gahhh an Impala EV would be the dream.
I still don’t understand why chevy made their EVs little bitty blobby cars and not something sexy, like an impala EV or a traverse EV or something people with money actually want to buy. Teslas, while funny looking, are also big cars that can haul a family.
By saying “Elliot, formerly known as X”, and then never saying X again. You just have to say it once, because X is the famous name, and then people will know who you’re talking about. No one had ever heard of “Elliot Page” before this moment, so obviously you have to tell people who you’re referring to. That’s the…
I was taught in j-school to write for clarity and that if an activist group tried to police your language, to throw their tips in the trash. you can’t cover this story without using the both names. otherwise there is no story.
I mean, I lean towards the ‘you’re being overly cautious and I don’t get it’ camp when it comes to masks while driving, but masks facilitating road rage? That’s some next level shit.
1st Gear: Naming conventions be damned the Blazer and Trailblazer are both actually really good vehicles and they are both selling like hot cakes.