
I know.. I’m feeling like I’m taking crazy pills when Torch actually seems to have the best answer on these.

Non-Japanese fans of Japanese game: We are mad that a character from said Japanese game appears a slightly different shade of color in Japanese cartoon series based on same Japanese game!

Small quibble with your Deadspin headline. It should be:

Alternate Headline Roundup:


Answer: yes, totally.

I always associated tri-tip with being tough, dry, and only edible with copious amounts of steak sauce. When I got out of my parents’ house and started moving around through other parts of California, I met so many people who were enthusiastic about tri-tip, and it was like, “OK, weird, but you do your thing.”

Yes, it was definitely a huge misteak.

A vegan ought to know better than to start a beef. 

I figured BJ has a myostatin mutation.

My problems begin within moments of B.J. waking up. First off, this is a man who has been in bed for five months. Following my aortic dissection in March of 2018, I woke up in a hospital bed in mid-April and could barely move my arms and fingers. It took a good month to restore a proper range of motion. B.J. hops to

It’s squinting at the poors 


Soooo.... you’re saying I should eat them?

“This is a perfect case of Ferrari ass-showing: create an SUV nobody wants”

My Ex has a plugin hybrid. She fills the tank 4-5 times a year, with normal driving.

That applies equally to all cars.

I have never heard of anyone saying the US or Truman were heroic for using nuclear weapons. The discussion is always whether it was the right call balancing the number of lives on both sides that would have been lost if the Japanese home islands had to be invaded to end the war against the losses from the bombs, and

Everything must go...