She’s the hero for trying to save her own life, more like a person desperately seeking their own survival? To call her a “hero” is caricatural, fantastical, even infantile, she was a person understandably full of fear desperately seeking to survive which meant obviously escape.

I own a house, and I see nothing wrong with it. Why the fuck do you care what he does with his garage/house? Get a fucking life.

So, in order for me to live my life, I need to get the permission from everyone around me? This is what you seem to be implying. I hate HOA’s because of the lawn nazis, having to get permission to plant fucking flowers, and being told every aspect of what I can and cannot do on the property I live on and pay a

When this woman is inevitably fired for being an idiot, I am sure the internet will embrace her as a unique individual who simply wants to express herself.

Sounds like an employee who agreed to the ToS and is bitching because she isn’t getting her way. It doesn’t matter how stupid the rules are. Rules are rules and she agreed to every single one when she took the job.

Lego has to hire this guy as a designer.

It’s a comic book movie for chrissakes. The story pretty much just needs to lead eventually to “Good guys v bad guys” and it checks the box eventually.

I feel like people are watching these movies for all the wrong reasons. Like, turn off your fucking brain and enjoy the superhuman slugfest for what it is, and then turn your brain back on afterwards.

Just goes to show there are a lot of people out there who like shortcuts, or have more money than sense.

They are releasing it this early to fit with their pro tour so that there isn’t a huge gap and they can get it in people’s hands. That said, I would have rather waited and had a fully featured game.

What kind of fairly-land dream-world do you live in? If the establishment is open, then it’s the owner that’s the garbage person, not the consumer who’s simply paying for a service. If you chose to show up for work, and the customer tips well, you’ve got nothing to bitch about, you whiny little cunt.

Don’t you mean, “if you own a company and pay your employees to deliver food during a terrible snowstorm, you are a terrible person”?

If I’m sick, my pantry is bare, and there’s a horrible snowstorm outside (which also means that my car is buried in ice and snow), I’m going to order delivery. I am polite, I’m out front very promptly, and I tip handsomely. I see nothing wrong with that. I get to eat, and someone else is tipped for his trouble. Win,

Wrong. If you own said place and keep it open you are a garbage person. If I give said garbage person money for the service they provide (and tip well, of course) then it’s not on me they didn’t have the common sense to close the doors.

No, it seems like they are a hungry person. If you are a delivery driver and you neglected to outfit your vehicle for winter weather like a responsible person it is your fault. Delivery is meant to be a convenience, and taking advantage of it makes you nothing more than a consumer.

I think you meant, ‘if you order delivery’. Takeout only puts you, the customer, at risk since you have to, you know, go get it.

He used to play fallout, till he took a Sonata to the knee.

I was watching this shit on TV, and at no point over the course of the entire chase did he drive any faster than 10mph. He had “Victory Parade” on the side of his car, and was waving and soluting people as he drove past like he was the damn grand marshall of his parade. How the cops considered this a chase and let it