Because its obvious pandering.

And why does anyone care?

She’s actually a celebrity in the martial arts community; I wouldn’t be surprised if the artists and design team used her as a reference. I don’t think she is the main inspiration for the character though, whom is distinctly a blend of her parents. I’m a fan of Felice, but I don’t think she’s right in this case.

He really wants people to watch his stream :P

Seriously, he even made it a separate post. I'm, honestly, done reading this writers articles. I'll just see the summary and search a different site. The amount of click-bait, embedded Twitch, and this being pretty much of combination of both - just incredibly annoying in an instance where I was actually curious of

Yup, because in real life the Germans tried to make something like this. Didn't happen though.

honestly those movies are so similar it's not even funny. Cop, punished for a crime he didn't commit, returns to fight his evil equal who was unfrozen out of/broken out of prison by the respected elder to have a final battle is an exploding lab that's about to hatch a bunch more bad guys. Interchange Diane Lane for

This is so fucking irrelevant it sickens me. The first Amendment only applies to America. This is clearly happening in Japan. This comic applies not at all.

"I own a computer" shouts man currently talking to other people on a forum only available on a computer "aren't I smart and special?"

The PC stick up your ass is in there pretty deep. Hold on, I've got the quick fix: it's called the "Mac App Store".

Go fuck yourself.

I'm a PC gamer, and have been for a few years now. My rig's not top-of-line, but it maxes BF 4 without issue.

The game was broken upon launch. It was broken for -all- platforms, regardless of specifications, hardware, or self-indulgent wish-fulfillment thinking.

TL;DR: Take that "master race" shit and shove it.


Oh look! A pc nerd! Get outta the basement and go help your mom put the dishes away!

Battlefield 4 was broken for a long time after release you PC Master Race idiot.

What, you mean the PC? The platform on which i bought the game? On which the game wasn't playable for a good 5 months? On which i had more dropout then on every game i've ever owned during the first 4 months? Which wasn't really playable during the first 7 to 8 months on the PC platform? You're talking about the game

blah blah blah... PC master race bullshit drabble.

I play console so I don't have to hear the sound of PC nerds jerking each other off about how they only play video games on PC in my headset.

Or Xzibit Yo Dawg.

You speak much truth, I often forget about the hillbilly contingent but I get what you meant now. I can barely understand my grandmother sometimes. What a difference driving an hour outside of town makes.