oh please stfu and go buy a dildo

Did they forget t put in batteries or something? they act as if they cant see ANYTHING at all...... seems like extreme overacting to me.

wtf only one 1080 benchmark and normal textures at that....how useless for the majority of gamers.

its too round. it needs those not perfect curves. aka needs moar Dodecagon

you should kid yourself, it helps when trying to form a sense of humor and more

he has said that every single game would be his last one.......so him returning to each one i would think is his decision esp since he said as much each time. if that was a lie well that is on him and him alone.

ah so a new MGS comes every 5 years and people have suddenly had enough but they can do a new Assassins Greed every 6 months and people beg for more. lol yea right

Konami is dead to me after MGS V

...why not just leave out the twitch embed....thats something you can do lol

Didnt Red Skull escape on one of these or similar to it in the captain america movie ?

if you can't bite all layers at once then its not a burger, its just a pile of stuff

then factor in not seeing either of the movies for a decade and BAM . totally the same movie

lol sorry its been at least a decade or more since ive seen either of them. its not as if they were that memorable beyond a few scenes like these

This all kinda reminds me of the Judge Dredd movie with Stallone where she says wanna have sex and hes like ok yea. Then she hands him a VR headset and hes like ummmm

Careful with that thing or you will put your eye out.

its being used in tech already now. those commercials with the cell phones that u can get wet at any extent and they are fine uses this spray. its just applied during manufacturing. im sure if you could diy it and know for sure its applied 100% then it would help but thats a lot of trouble to go thru

I've been PC gaming and building my own PC and doing so as a profession for all my life basically. I have never once needed or wanted water cooling. it is totally unnecessary for the vast majority of people. It works if you need it yes but most people don't REALLY NEED it even if they think they do. Sure some do

doesnt make things any less awesome. in fact i think it does the opposite, to me it makes it that much better to know he came back to it cause in the end he just loves it andwe all know it. he loves it just as much as the fans do. unlike other devs that also have passion but come off arrogant and just insult their

Didn't the same thing happen to one of the original Oculus Rift guys? Lets hope this does turn out to be a curse on VR tech.

thats badass