
meh just cause something i hard to do doesnt mean its an impressive feat, an impressive waste of time maybe yea.

16 tries oh my word how did someone ever have the patients to try 16 times at something...anything oh the humanity. such dedication in todays age of instant gratification is hard to match.

Arktos is involved...lol well that ruins it. these are the same guys that make under the table deals with hack makers to share profits from hack sales while making their own "anticheat" software which as you can guess doesnt work at all. they ban legit players for either no reason at all and just insist they were

i love this idea since i really liked eso and want to get back in there but never resubbed cause too many distractions

to talk to another CMDR/player just target them and then press enter on keyboard to open the chat dialogue and send them a message.

this is kinda off topic of bounties but i was playing the other day and I ran into none other than Norm from Tested. I spoke to him for a minute and took a screenshot and later asked him via twitter if it was really him and it was!. I just think its cool how in such a HUGE game i ran across him like that.

it really doesn't bother me tbh. after initial install of the other client it just adds a n additional click to launch the game and sometimes not even that. I prefer steam for better management of my games library. so i try to get steam versions whenever i can. I mean i didn't have the steam version i would still be

GMG has no control over this and niether do any of the other retailers. in fact GMG had this listed as a store copy(so did other sotres) untill rockstar came out and said they couldnt sell steam versions. so GMG changed the store page to make it very clear that it isnt the steam version. anyone that misses that clear

well in order to win at any game you must play so umm yea i guess so.....

I will never understand why someone like you is even on a site like this.

The love of Gaben Compels thee!!

i had it day 1 also and i didnt have those problems. i was able to play and did so. there were disconnects but i dont expect a 100% bugfree experience since that isnt possible.

i played from day 1 and there were issues yea but every game has issues. i had no issues that ruined the experience for me or kept me from playing

Why was pre ordering Battlefield 4 a bad thing?....oh right you must be on console instead of the true home of Battlefield. so sorry

I believe there is an actual medical problem that some women have that causes the trouble like this. Just as there are some women that have them way way too easy with the littlest stimulation which is much more rare i think.... but the same idea just in reverse.

yea i didnt say it didnt, i said it doesnt sound like a "VERY SOUTHERN" mom. there are much much much more southern people than this.

Meh i was expecting to see fnatic in here but should have known better

that kind of bahavior qualifies as a highfalutin edumacation where i grew up.

i mean yea she is obviously southern, but i wouldn't say super southern. Im originally from east Tennessee region and one of the more extremely hillbilly areas if not the most (i drank some of popcorns best back in the day lol) and ive seen/heard such southern people that it would make a lot of people think it had to