if only they were in the EU the headline would have been totally different "man stabbed to death over ps4..."

i honestly dont think it would have mattered in this case. not that you arent giving good advice but i somehow dont think it would have mattered. a 16 year old dumb enough to shoot at someone and risk hitting her own baby daddy to get to something as "valuable" as a ps4 doesn't strike me as someone that would have

It says "Just under half of [the 1,293 older men] ..." would be nice to know what qualifies as older men in their study. otherwise... meh

So both consoles will now ship from the same warehouse in China. woooowoooooo

guy in red has whiplash for sure lol

Man, If I had people coming into my home forcing me to hide my white board containing ballistic missile trajectories.....

Seen it and its pretty awesome

naah this guys name started with an A maybe Aerosomething

I played lastnight for the first time in months. I saw a guy walking in the sky and sniping people from pretty far away. he was up there for awhile too. when i shot and hit him he started freaking out and running all over the place

Great till i forget the stick is in there and close the lid and smash it lol

no one has to go to jail but they could be sued for damages and made to pay fees and fines. give people a reason not to cheat. as it is right now there is no reason for someone to not cheat besides their own conscience

I hope they succeed and set a legal bar for other cases . Id like to see some form of fear in the minds of cheaters. banning and such does nothing but give a momentary speedbump to the worst most persistent cheaters.

This was one of the BEST games i saw at E3 this year and I dont have a PS4 even! I would really LOVE to see this game on PC. it left me in awe to say the least

id barely even call that large optimus and the lambo looking dealy a transformation. its just doors open to show arms and head popping out of the hood. if i was a kid and i got home with this after seeing it in the box i would be in a state of disapointment!

Its called Real reality . try it

lay down... lol those long sessions of peggle do get tiring eh

Spank it Luigi, spank it hard!

LOL luigi tappin dat aaaaassss

its not hard to tell when you see a huge block of meat carried out of a freezer and slam down on a table. it was frozen solid.....its that simple really