go find a McRib..then look at it..... there ya go
go find a McRib..then look at it..... there ya go
yea go ahead and believe that
so are virgins
cause their "deli" meat is injected with more sodium and preservatives than any actual deli meat should ever have. it is good tho but not what ppl think
...yea thats quite obvious and is why i said "...the same type of establishment....." aka fast food. btw arbys has done burgers before too just not a regular item on the menu all the time
how about just dont eat fast food if you are concerned with things of such nature........
what if it turns around and has a cig..... smoking meat
so its that hard for people to believe meat can be put in a cooker and then left alone for 13 hours..... its not that hard to do and doesn't require that much effort. take meat...take cooker....place meat in cooker......wait 13 hours.....
Reminds me of Dishonored a bit as far as looks go.
so umm where could i get one of these nitrous rewarding headsets.
ok but why....
a lil Bump 'n Grind Never hurt anyone.....awwww yiissssss
So he spends all this time building it and it is impressive and then he uses a what 500-900 tablet and then surrounds it with glasses of water.....electronics worst enemy.
LEON! <that
I dont remember anything about doom 4 being a big story in 2013, certainly not big enough to need rehashing by any means
seems like any other GTA online occurance, whats so special here?
Ive been living in the world where i dont need an audience for every little thing i do to make me feel better about myself.
am i the only person that thinks letting streaming dictate what you play is ridiculous? gaming is becoming more hipsterized everyday wtf
i dont see an issue with it. it cant offend that many people since wii doesnt really have a huge fanbase. i mean isnt the Wii U itself a joke?
ok thats what i was thinking it would be. I guess the real take is the fun they had doing it . $1100 lol