then a PC is and always has been the same exact thing you are saying a steambox is.

cause consoles cant be officialt modded and parts changed out. stuff like that voids warranty on console and just isnt possible to change out parts. valve on the othr hand has said from the start that people can do all of those things and in fact are encouraged to mod as much as they want and change out parts as they

lol when you just lay a pile of cement on top of the ground it gets hard yes but it doesnt bond with the dirt in a way that you cant just move it again. If it were on top of more concrete yes it would bond and be hard to move without busting it. as it is now the door they are covering in the pic is not going to be

temp bans till official launch is all

having lived in Memphis for nearly 10 years i instantly thought "Memphis" when i read the headline, get to article and find out I was right on the button lol.

BedBugs included. Goats only visible under blacklight

relax man i was making jokes. sheesh i thnk you took it more seriously than i was pretending to. my lord

calm down and realize that i was making a joke hurrrhurrr

yes i was thinking and that is the whole idea that no one can hold it...cause thats the way it should be.

who said it had to be usable. seriosuly i would want it to be 200 pounds if i had a replica. that way when someone came over and asked if they could hold my thor hammer i could say "you can try"

Dave Chappelle dressed as Gallager?

"hammer is going to be hollow.." stops watching, closes browser

its all part of the scheme to get us to buy new drives in a year or less and then to get us to buy a new "slimmed" unit every 1-2 years . forced hardware via intentional shortsighted design upgrades ftw

yea been around forever

the only issue i see is that this is a vidya game and you are over thinking it. merca F chyea

you mean that Megan Fox video had some cod in it? where?!?!

That game was really cool!

I'm surprised a fuss is being made over this, i mean there isn't any boobs in the game that i can see. That seems to be the popular thing to hate on these days.

lol a disclaimer of sorts, works for me i guess. thanks for explaining.

The headline is "PS4 launch..." so why would anyone expect more than that?