So he is going to make the kid white and all will be well. I really hope thats what he does cause that alone sends a message and also asks who is being racist in the first place? the original image or the people observing it? Of course im going to get backlash from people that dont understand what i just said.

I grew up mountain biking and BMX racing and i miss it dearly. most fun you will ever have!!!

Yes that would have postponed the controversy a year till everyone realizes there is no episode 2.

your acting like people are not responsible for what they put in the public eye. i dont think she should be victimized at all but if her culture is like that and she knows it then she should know (like you do apparently) what is and is not a good idea to put online in the public eye.

she has the ability to delete her tweets if she wants to. but just cause you didnt expect something to happen doesnt mean you are free to put anything you want in public space for ALL to see at anytime and expect no reaction from people. She could also make her twitter private if she wanted to. now days if you put

Perhaps she shouldn't be tweeting if that's the case.

Hmmm well maybe it wont be so hard for them to pinpoint why their revenue seems incomplete

i dont see how valve could benefit from this at all other than being able to put some nintendo characters into a few games. and by few i mean FEW since there are not many valve games that would be a good fit for nintendo characters, TF2 being the only one i can really think of.

are u sure it isnt one of those objectives where u just have to steal a car and hide it for a getaway? those dont have a indicator on map but tell u what to do when u get ina vehicle

have u tried just restarting console to force mission restart?

lol at least when the govt buys devices for its offices they use a custom OS image with all the fat cut out and security enhancements. sounds like the LA school system just bought bare ipads with default software and expected them to not be abused.

isnt this old news

i wouldnt be surprised if that image was made for the article and not official. even if it wasnt then it doesnt matter cause the "DLC" was not for sale and was not a separate transaction beyond it being a preorder bonus.

I think the first article was nothing but click bait. cause they never said it was DLC at all they said it was a preorder bonus and that doesnt cost anything and isnt even a separate transaction so the article claiming it to be the worst DLC ever was nothing more than sensationalism for hits.

yep, i added a bunch of my uplay and origin games and so far so good. its been at least 2 weeks cause blacklist was one of the games. put them in a non-steam category easy to find too

I had to deal with origin support and while it took them some time to get my problem resolved they were extremely professional and kind and helpful and also not from a foreign country with an accent thicker than steel. Didnt seem like they were reading from a script either

Dont see any game on the notonsteamsale site that i would want...even if it were on steam. Before anyone says it i am not a AAA game only type of person, ive got 300 or more games on steam alone and a lot that arent steam. Also origin isnt as bad as people want to pretend it is and it isnt cool anymore just blanket it

actually steam just issued a fix witihin the last month that solves nonsteam games being removed from the list.

Is this only a preorder bonus or is it being sold separately also? if its only a bonus then i would hardly call it DLC since you arent paying extra for it

If you like sniping then yea they are pretty fun. There are some cool skillshots like hitting a grenade hanging on a soldiers belt. even better when its in a group and it takes them all out.