They were waiting to see if he finished or not, which he apparently did judging by the last long thrust.

inb4 M$ finds a way to block PS4 HDMI signal

rack based hardware? for standard consumer living room? really? that's laughable at best, esp since most people would be like wtf is that mess

that was my thought too. looks like a really bad shoppe job

I only remember getting this excited over 1 game when i was a kid. Oh and when i say this excited i mean just excited a lot i wasnt crying and kissing the box but i was flipping out. it was Mortal Kombat 3 for sega genesis and my mom gave it to me and made me promise to turn off the blood and gore. of course i didnt

imma keep my eye on the news for a horrible story involving this kid and why fox news thinks the game made him do it

I dont have much hope for this. i bet they take the same route as they did with the remake of most wanted which means removing any storyline it had and replacing it with abstract intros of police cars stacked on top of eachother. the story is part of what made most wanted the best NFS game ever, i have no idea why

no not at all.

i played like 100+ hours on the PC version and never had any real problems. tons of other people did also.

Yes as others are saying tram cars, Gondola and the such is correct. i knew it but it was one of those moments where you're mind goes blank lol. thanks guys.

Thats it , thats why the shack on the mountain looks sideways is cause its not a "shack" but a motor house for the (omg i cant remember the name of the things) thing that carries people up a mountain like a ski lift but its a box car thing. so its a oblong shape "shack" sort of

sarcasm is lacking on kotaku i see. anyway it isnt supposed to be masked, the banshee was made to look like a viper so it would make sense that a real viper made to look like a banshee would still look like a viper....

its what i said cause it is and cause it makes ppl angry so imm say it ok

its the car i said it was cause i said it was.......and it makes ppl angry so imma keep saying it ok . now get mad cause thats what the internet was made for!

20% of those were funny. the other 80% was just garbage

that would be true if it were a viper but it isnt. its a Mazda RX7 - FD

are you implying vampy doesnt make her own costumes??? cause she does and she shows off the stages of the process on twitter.

and if piracy of this game wasnt possible then they would have probably only had a few hundred more sales....not 50,000

There is nothing wrong with DLC in general. I just find it a bit off putting (i feel like i spelled that phrase horribly) to require game content to be accessed via a physical device or figure instead of just the usual dlc purchase. Can you imagine if in a FPS game that in order to use new vehicles or new weapons we

This just seems like a ludicrous and lucrative way of selling DLC to people and getting kids to fall for it in a very easy way.