
Most Kickstarter projects have different levels of contribution. The low levels are just "make yourself feel good about doing it" or maybe you get a shout-out as a contributor in the credits. The middle levels usually include a copy of whatever the final product is, so think of it almost as pre-paying for something

Usually, "don't sweep child molestation under the rug for a decade" isn't something you have to write into the rulebook.

Hallmark really needs to get into this market.

The Giants got the win, but Tulo got the happy ending.

I can neither confirm nor deny that I hear that f'ing Banshee scream in my sleep now.

I actually believe some of the supporting evidence for Indoc, but at this point, my problems with believing it are on the logistical side: timeframe and playability.

Don't expect an answer, because... well... you know.

I respect the idea of the ending if that's what it was, but part of the problem is the simple logistics of the gap between games — the alternate explanation for the ending relies on supporting information from ME1/ME2 which some people may not have played in a while. Some of those supporting connections (think rachni

I think they could salvage the existing ending with epilogue, but I think an ending that represented true choice would've been more powerful. I have no problem with the theme of sacrifice, but it's not true "sacrifice" if there's no choice. "A - you die, galaxy is ambiguously screwed", "B - you die, galaxy is

I can't possibly have been the only one who wanted you to write the essay as Robert Evans.

Remembers 437th time someone trained Dorn through the zone

Male (semi-realistic): I use my son's name, Ian.

The terms of his probation disagree.

Foreward by Jose Offerman.

On the bright side, Brian Cashman paid 45% of his bail.

I don't want to get all Zapruder film on this, but I would point out that when Tomlin gestured at the game he was trying to watch, he pointed right through the direction of the camera. If the cameraman is standing in his view...

The fact that Disney made a movie out of the story of a white situational lefty for the freakin' Devil Rays (Jim Morris) would beg to differ. I'm not going to pretend race has nothing to do with it, but athletes who come out of nowhere to perform at a high level are always interesting stories.

Loud sexually oriented noise is emanating from within the men's restroom. Sherlock's manager is blocking the entrance to the restroom.

How Dare Rex Ryan Go Shoe Shopping Every Day For Three Weeks After Missing The Playoffs?

Jackie Christie likes the cut of her jib.