But if he comes into work in a tutu...he's not producing what I want in my office.
But if he comes into work in a tutu...he's not producing what I want in my office.
Re: Trichinosis from pork:
Is it bad that I want to lick him from head to toe?
"i'm'a let you finish, Kim, but Beyonce had the best celebrity birth of all time."
How privileged do you have to be to interrupt somebody during a speaking engagement, THEN @codepink to turn around to tell Michelle how SHE was supposed to react?
You know, I agree with Iggy some. There is no better feeling than to stand up, survey the twisted, panting lump of flesh you just preformed oral on, and walk away. Guy or girl, that's probably the closest any of us will ever get to not looking back at an explosion.
I really expected better from you Jezebel. This mother (and father) has made a very personal decision about how she wants to give birth. We should not shame her for that choice.
and here you all are, totally dismissing J Law by not even talking about her.
What about Emma Stone?
And just maybe, if you had kids, waxed anyway, and chose to let your kids see/know about it, they'd learn that you did it because you wanted to, and that's cool. Radical, I know.
No, actually, adult pussies look like adult pussies regardless of hair, and even more than that, they are attached to adult women with adult breasts and adult hips and possibly even adult gray hairs and adult cellulite and adult wrinkles. Body shaming is never feminist.
Here are photos from that most glorious event! My face still hurts from smiling so hard on Sunday!
First time I gave my now-husband head, he was all, "no, no, don't bother, no one's ever... HOLY SHIT!"
Sort of off topic, but whatever.
i feel like men are shooting themselves in the foot here. girls just wont send sexytimes pics. same with the "cocksucker" insult. one less dude that should ever get a blowjob.
@becca_martie does raise some important sociological points re: the lame behavior of goddamn boners.
I just read that entire email aloud and now I feel magnificent.
I know it's marketing, but gosh darnit, I've been a fan of the Real Beauty campaign since its inception. I'm glad they've stuck with it.