Can you get absinthe in the States yet?
Can you get absinthe in the States yet?
Now you're talking. But where's the brew kits?
@bender123: They should have gone the Ikea route and just used pictures to explain everything.
@mipakr: I churned through the first season already on Netflix, lol.
I saw that too, and almost sent it into Tips. Glad somebody picked up my slack.
Long time since I've seen a chameleonfish.
Oh, I thought those were just liver spots.
@Always Winning: How does one see in a green man suit?
@Always Winning: Nice.
Annnnnddd onto Conan.
@slanket: Can't we just have the broadcast team express their opinions in pantomime?
Gruden should be restricted to talking less than 15 seconds on any given sentence.
@StrangeRanger: Oh, that was no problem. And as a kid I did a faceplant off of a swingset onto concrete. How would this compare?
They should have paid to get the frog out of his throat.
I thought SH stood for something else...
I want to watch this video, but I don't think I could stomach it. Could somebody give me a synapsis?
@stre: NO.
Not too surprised about Penn State. WE ARE!!!!
@Bastard 420: Beating you guys in 2002 was the singlehanded greatest football game I've ever been to. I remember it so awesomely.