
OH!! THErapist.

Why can't more higher-ups be as honest and upfront as this guy? I immediately have more respect for EA Sports than I ever did before.

@Cribbage Left: Isn't that how the Ninja Turtles were made?

As long as it isn't Vogons coming to annihilate Earth, I'm ok.

Who let her out of the kitchen?

In related news, NASA is having a discussion on Thursday to speak about something that will impact the search for evidence of extraterrestrial life.

Hey, Imma letcha finish, but first....

@Marth: I tried several ways to bunk what you said, but the best thing that I could think of is since he did not touch the ground with the ball in his possession, it can not be deemed a reception (or interception in this case).

Looks like my voodoo curse I put on him for burning me for 32 points last week in ff worked...

Color me impressed. That last picture looks stupendous.

A challenger appears.

@DGS_Photography: We have a lot of ground to make up to hit that 2015 deadline.

Roads? Where we are going we don't need roads.

Looks like porn just got a little more hands on.

If only the Blue Jackets were in Cleveland...

Paul did not foresee this coming.

@Cochese 2.0: Thank you for the xkcd/Daft Punk happiness.