OH!! THErapist.
OH!! THErapist.
Why can't more higher-ups be as honest and upfront as this guy? I immediately have more respect for EA Sports than I ever did before.
@Cribbage Left: Isn't that how the Ninja Turtles were made?
As long as it isn't Vogons coming to annihilate Earth, I'm ok.
@P3nnst8r: Professional Commenter: I would like to apologize for any woman who takes offense to this. I am clearly inebriated.
Who let her out of the kitchen?
In related news, NASA is having a discussion on Thursday to speak about something that will impact the search for evidence of extraterrestrial life.
Hey, Imma letcha finish, but first....
@Marth: I tried several ways to bunk what you said, but the best thing that I could think of is since he did not touch the ground with the ball in his possession, it can not be deemed a reception (or interception in this case).
Looks like my voodoo curse I put on him for burning me for 32 points last week in ff worked...
Color me impressed. That last picture looks stupendous.
A challenger appears.
@DGS_Photography: We have a lot of ground to make up to hit that 2015 deadline.
@gammaRascal: Just a little nip?
Roads? Where we are going we don't need roads.
Looks like porn just got a little more hands on.
If only the Blue Jackets were in Cleveland...
@Cochese 2.0: Thank you for the xkcd/Daft Punk happiness.
@Cochese 2.0: Your lack of reply disturbs me.