
Now if you could smoke it too, then it'd be a perfect golf companion.

I don't even need a laptop right now (already have 2 from work accounts), but damn do I want one.

Does this mean my beta copy is kaput? :(

Did anybody else see the GoPro fly off of the bat in the one catcher perspective?


I actually think they're pretty awesome, but personally I still have no clue looking at them how they actually provide a HUD to the user, outside on being on that little screen over the right eye. The video makes it seem that they will project one onto your eyeball or something.

Whoa, phones were wireless back then, too?


Amazingly, his cheese doodles were also spared.

Or get a taller mom.

You forgot the most beneficial use.

Somebody at my work had this phone in a meeting, and I was thoroughly confused at what it actually was, because it was too big to be a phone, yet too small to be a tablet...

Are Departments of Transportation unionized? If so, they will have a field day with this one.


If Comcast Sportsnet was available OTA (in my area, at least), I'd think about it.

That jacket has more talent than I'll ever have.

That song just wanted to mash into the Legend of Zelda so badly.

Yeah, I'm trying my hardest to hold out for the d400, as I shoot sports photography right now (primarily indoor volleyball), and the ISO limitations are really killing me.

Hell, even ISO 1000.