
@Flail: YEAHHHH!!!

It's a slow Friday night...

That is too cool.

Who needs canned foods now? Just fill our bomb shelters with Micky D's!

I think this is the one instance where it is cool to wear your sunglasses at night.

@Otakju: Nothing like a few balls to the chin.

Question: (I know nothing about Google TV)

@earm99: Are you sure that isn't just Tim Curry in a clown outfit?

Nice shank job, Tiger.

The coolest flight attendant I ever had was when I had "Big Mama" on a Southwest flight back from Las Vegas. Let's just say that I don't remember much of the flight.

I was wondering who that was...

@DustyButt: Well played, sir. Well played.

Looks like a hot pixel to me.