
Ohhh, what's in the box?!!

So Nikon is going away from their FX sensors in the D3s now? :( Well, as long as it doesn't hurt the image quality, then bring it on!!!!


Will it be free?

Is that Actraiser? Damn, I miss that game.

@omses: OH NO U DI-N'T!

For some odd reason, this game doesnt look fun for me. I never knew u used multiple fingers for stratching...

@Fvash: Only component, I believe.

Still no backwards compatibility... SIGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

Going from recording rock band tracks in San Fran to Musikfest in Bethlehem, PA. Gottsa love ya, TEB!

Not cool, firmware updates divisible by .1 are supposed to be more awesome. Maybe I should just wait for 3.00.

What is this Cloud game? I've never played it. I thought they just did Fl0w and Fl0wer...

Does the camera have a full-manual mode? If so, that'd be pretty sweet.

Couldn't the spy just rubber-coat his butterfly knife?

I remember playing the demo of Tropico all the time. It was a pretty juicy demo, really content-rich, so much that i never got to buying the full game. This one, though, I think I might purchase.

The outline of the chewing tobacco tin in the guy's pants takes the cake.

Epic. I forgot about how good Hot Tamales are.

Coachella sounds more like a tasty cheese-based pasta dish than a huge music festival.