
Funny how it's called Final Fantasy VII International, yet it was only released in Japan...

That video reminded me of the Office. So it was awesome.

I was in NYC for the NIT tournament. Blasted! Pondering about going up for this tho, 'cause i lurv me some Kotaku!

But will it support trophies?

I am so happy that the PSN is getting such consistently decent content updates on a weekly basis as of late. Go you, Sony!

I've never seen the world 'interesting' used so many times in one comment section.

As i posted in the previous post, i NEED this game. It looks so fun, and the graphics are tremendous.

This game is going to fill the void in my heart left since i played Sim City 2000 in middle school typing class.

at least this makes sense compared to trivial pursuit. What good is it if it's multiple choice?

The original game is prob my fav flight sim still. It was sooo advanced for its time.

Only 350?

I hate you EA. HATE YOU SO MUCH!

807 pixel width BAsh?! Why so demanding?!

@Joghobs: Where u live? I'm from Allentown :D

My mom's from there! And i live like an hour away.

And yet... it makes sense.