
How about the easiest pirated game of all time, and I think started the revolution?

And by multiple costumes, they actually mean 2.. one for a guy avatar, and one for a woman.

I enjoyed it. Easy as hell to get trophies, also.

Last girl = best, she is beautiful!

Sounds like a hybrid between Battlefield: 1942 and Battlefield: Heroes.

*psst* The name is wrong in the text.

No love for the PS3, once again.

Risk is the sole reason i am afraid of the fact that the Australians have a standing army.

I wish i could see some actual numbers for those stats. I'd be interesting to see how much cash the PSN is actually bringing in.

This is also the 4 year anniversary of when i last turned my PSP on.

When's the LittleBigWedding?

Some day... *tear*

I always thought Mario fell SLOWER than actual gravity O_o

@mariospants: I've never heard an analogy between a newborn baby and a system process before. Congratulations.

When is the Super Scope peripheral for the Wii coming out?

Minotaur China Shop would be a welcome addition to the iPhone, and if they do the movement the same way based off of clicking on areas in front of you and maintaining the same clumbsiness, it would work very well.

@Yonderboy: Isn't that the sound of pretty much all racer starts?

@HenryHSH: It took me a good 20 minutes to find the Red Bull Race select option, but once i did, i was flyin high!