
You'd think he needs medical help for mental health if he keeps making these irrational choices, but then you find out he attacked his lawyer.

*plays "Thank You For Being a Friend" on Zune*

Between Nash, Kobe and now, Carlos Boozer, the Lakers have to be considered the favorite for the 2006 NBA title.

"Bynum taught us a lot in his short time in Indiana" - Roy Hibbert

I don't understand any of this, why do any people like Drake? Is this cause he was on Nickelodeon? I seriously don't get it.

What's awkward was that Donald Sterling really only loved half of Drake (the white jewish side)

You know South Africans and Australians are two different things, right?

Bennett shouldn't have been last year's #1, you know it, I know it, everyone knows it. Until he puts together a stretch of good-to-great regular season NBA games, he will not be anything in my eyes, no matter how good he looks in the offseason. And Waiters may score but he does so with below average efficiency, and

Bath police is what my uncle used to call it :(

+1 knee

You know what really changes lives, Jay? Streetlights.

That's the new WNBA slogan

There is no I in CLAM

Clam the Throne?

There is a small possibility that this "Stefan" guy is really Matt Millen. And he's trying to win.


ah yes, no time for fantasy sports. You are too busy commenting on internet posts.

They probably have a draft on file so they can post it ASAP if anything happens. They save it right next to the "Chris Kluwe rescues orphans [of ALL sexual orientation] from raging bus fire," and "Dan Snyder to change team name to Washington Nubians."