
Why is the one wearing a Rockstarâ„¢ vest? I feel like this is viral marketing and FTW and Deadspin just took the bait.

Tebow celebrated by overthrowing himself a party.

Technically he made "high five" contact. With the boat.

Fuck AI. Seriously. He was a smug, arrogant, ball-hogging prick during his playing days, thinking he was above the rules. Now we're supposed to feel sorry for him because he squandered his money and has nothing to fall back on?

Hey! The Swift and Company building in the last picture is still there! Corner of 14th st and Washington.

This is a picture of the downtown of my home city back before cities becameauto-friendly and pedestrian-hostile:

Severrrrreeee sadness warning. This dude loved his son.

I think it's entirely possible that they took all sorts of math and science classes multiple times.

If he sucked and was "headed out the door anyway," then he's not really a "rising junior," now is he?


Why? If it's the same entity that can create a 40-day flood but couldn't spike the barometric pressure to save a couple schools, then "thanks" would be pretty low on my list.

I read these posts, and then I typed a response. I will now click "publish."

Paul Simon's new album is super angry.

"goal of the decade"

Player working hard despite getting blown out.

The Heat won by about 10 real points and almost 30 fake foul points.

Looks like the coach flopped, but he probably won't ever try to draw a foul again, what with the loss of use of his arms and all.

Nice of the girls to pay homage to basketball past by utilizing Rick Barry's free throw technique for the Gatorade shower.