
No one's buying it.


It's dependent on size, diet, hydration, liver function, how the device is calibrated, etc...

Brady should try coaching hokey instead.

Unsubstantiated evidence as far as the league is concerned...we need that voicemail.

Beagles are scent hounds...so, that might give you an idea.

I'm guessing the accident was intentional, looks like he was trying to take a few people out before gunning his car into the woods.

But the v in everyone is.

Kenny Smith

Who's the one that used to jack off to other guys taking advantage of drunk girls...wasn't he was decent.

Pepsi/Frito-Lay...purveyors of childhood diabetes since 1965.

I'll take a $12 case of Yuengling Premium over any other comparably priced swill beer. The Chesterfield Ale is also a decent, low cost Heineken substitute.

Yah, Linda's fine. You should call her.

Too bad his son's ass wasn't on the can't cut list.

I feel women's basketball isn't as popular as men's basketball.

That's what I was saying during the Dahmer trial.

Hitler...for instance.
