
Kinja really has a great commenting system.

How is bringing $3 million cash into Brazil and giving it to a bunch of high profile footballers a good idea?

Villa and who?

They would be more than happy to identify as German if any could've made the senior squad. Not an easy youth system to progress through. Too bad we don't have a larger military presence in Brazil.

I love the sanctimonious tone she takes after they cut him off, like the local news is some moral authority which only has the public interest in mind.

It is what it is.

Holy shit! I completely forgot there was a late game tonight...what a drunken surprise you've given me.

The way she laughs in his stupid face at his total frustration/exasperation after throwing the papers, is some top-level passive aggressiveness. This woman's a pro.

An event at MSG is a drop in the bucket compared to a normal days commuter ridership.

Proper training be nice too.

How many different size water bottles are there? Maybe 4, before you get to the gallon jug.

Were they smoked? I'm sick of people throwing around the term "barbeque" when smoke isn't involved, at that point you're either grilling or baking. Fuck bbq sauce, people who smother ribs in sauce are the same retards who drown their burgers in ketchup or dump 20 packets of sugar in their coffee.

I think that guy might have a developmental disorder. His shirt is buttoned all the way up and it's choking his fat neck. That's how they dress you in a group home.

You should be apologizing more for the cinematography. Find the action with your head then keep the camera on it.

I thought he was playing the role of mother-in-law.

you're just a fighter

and yet, here you are...down here.

Am I the only one who likes having terminal cancer?

payed up for the clear pine

First, she had to remove the D magnet to make room.