
The biggest story here is that a player went pro from Pflugerville!

Maybe, just maybe, they did recognize you. Maybe they knew you’d end up taking the car there, due to their level of awesomeness.

He did get the MVP slot. Most Violent Puncher.

It’s perfect.

all I see is stars

I’m a software Dev. I know fully well how this works.

They aren’t developing the game on an XB1, so yes, there is absolutely a PC version.

I played both... a lot. Though I completely agree, there was something off about #2. It was missing some piece of charm, and i’ve never been able to figure out what it is.

hey, it kinda works for me. good stuff!

that would be the most strange side effect EVER!

“Just scream for food and murder their siblings”

100% would put this on my wall.


pretty much. Remove textures, reduce sides, make geometry more simple.

Damn. now I have to edit out the Florida chapter of my Chem book!

There’s a million fish in the sea!

Florida’s a fucking strange state. does that count?

31 y.o. male here, my baby is literally due any day now (38.5 weeks).

He’s either Tracy Jordon, or John Lennon.

nice setup! the whole front end, not just the lights.