
I love it when he rips on Trump. Makes me laugh so hard, every time.

holy shit. I didn’t either! now I can’t remember how I got linked to this article.

Can’t be. It came directly from Kathy.

are you saying that you’re... count-less?

could be an issue, if it was spring skiing, and warm out. Otherwise, you’ll be so covered head to toe in gear that you would never notice. The worst would be small cuts in your coat or pants.

Maybe you just never realized you could get paid to play dress up. Some of these people earn damn good livings.

could there be a Win10 driver for your wifi card?

Whats that, like a $20 wrench? Dude, be excited! Might be the last 3/4 drive wrench you’ll ever need!

Ever looked in the engine bay of an Audi A6? You could miss a fucking dead elephant in there. Plastic. Fucking. Everywhere.

He wasn’t really in it, but for a Sandler film, Grandma’s Boy was pretty damn funny.

No. Keeping these hunters away from hunting is not the answer. You just need stipulations.

The only time i’ve ever dropped a Trials match, was because I was invited to a group to do Crota, but they jumped straight to Trails. I left in the 3rd round. If I knew they were going to Trails, I wouldn’t have joined the group.

Killing friends with a sparrow is always funny. Every time.

“I’m building a Yurt for next week’s LARP”

i’m not a Zac Efron fan at all, but I was laughing till I cried through a few spots in this movie. I thought it was really funny.


As annoying as running/horsing/taxi flying were, taking 10-20 minutes to get halfway across a continent, I miss that terribly in more modern MMOs. Everyone does quick flight, and portals, and in my eyes it detracts from the experience a little. There was a sense of accomplishment from travelling for 20 minutes just to

while walking.

you will be able to, literally, spend years running around and seeing new things. I was a day 1 player, and 8 years later when I quit playing, I was still discovering stuff that I hadn’t seen before. The game is truly massive in a nearly unbelievable scale.

I love how they don’t even refer to that portion by the street name. The office just says “Get DOT out here to Shadflies”